Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 14

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Just a Guy in Space

Chapter 14

I’m going to die.

It was several hours after their first romp that Sil released Gus’ quivering body and went to sleep. She was quite literally an animal in bed. He was scratched, bitten, clawed at more times than he ever been in the span of just a few hours. He had completely lost track of time and he could feel his head spin from the dehydration and malnutrition. His cock was painfully sensitive and he could feel agony every time the head brushed against his inner hip.

“Van, can you make me some coffee and a chocolate coconut-sprinkled doughnut please?” he groggily asked. “I don’t think I can get up to that dispenser.”

He gingerly rolled off his bed and headed towards the sonic shower as Van made him breakfast. The sonic barely soothed him, aggravating the scabbed and still dripping trails on his back. He gritted his teeth and bore it for the full thirty seconds before groping around for a fresh change of clothes. Under his instructions, Van had made a few T-shirts and shorts for his use in the cabin. He took his food, heavily sat down on the ball-seat and started eating like a starving wolf.

“Van, can I ask you a question?” he asked after the fourth doughnut.

“Affirmation. Go ahead Gustavo Martinez.”

“How come Sil’s speaking all funny now? Does that come with her being in heat?”

“Affirmation. When a Dintph goes through a mating frenzy, they generally tend to revert to a more animalistic version of themselves. This includes temporary loss of syntax, social inhibitions and greater aggressivity in the pursuit of their goals. In this case, mating with you.”

“Fuck. Do you think I can get her to tone down the scratching? My back is killing me…”

“Query. You appear to be in good health baring the minor scratches. What is causing your health to decline until death?”

He sighed. “Figure of speech, Van, figure of speech. I really need to get started on integrating human speech patterns into your translation vocabulary. Regardless, how do I get her to stop? I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s a huge turn on seeing her lose control over my dick like that, but I don’t want to die because she bit or scratched a vital part of Gus.”

“Confirmation. It is possible to get Lieutenant Sil Nubo to stop her current behaviour. There are two ways of achieving this. Which would you like to hear? The slow version? The fast version?”

“Let’s go with slow first, then fast.”

“Affirmation. In the past when Dintphs in the throes of a mating frenzy turned violent, it was customary to bind them to prevent damage to both themselves and their partners. While this practice has slowly been phased out, it is still a viable option. Confirmation. It is considered shameful for a Dintph to be so restrained. In their society this means that they are reverting back to an animal and are no longer civilised.”

“I’m not gonna lie, that sounds really kinky and all but I don’t know how to do any of that SM shibari shit. What’s the fast one?”

“Confirmation. The quickest way to resolve the issue of violence during mating is to impregnate Lieutenant Sil Nubo.”


“You mean…”

Whoa… Everything I know about human biology is telling me I should never, ever do that, no matter what the occasion because getting someone pregnant is gonna fuck your life up.

Gus had a very skewed view of relationships given that he’d never been in one before and had read many accounts of relationships going sour at the drop of a hat. There were as many stories of people splitting up or ruining their lives because of unwanted pregnancies.

“Uh, Van, I don’t know how it works here in space, but back on Earth, you don’t just knock someone up and go about your merry way.”

“Query. Is ‘knock someone up’ another figure of speech?”

“Yeah, it means to impregnate.”

Gus sat still and allowed his thoughts to wander. He saw scenes of him and Sil laughing together, holding a small, squirming bundle of arms and fur. Other scenes of Sil rubbing a bulging belly and gazing at him with warmth. Dammit Van, putting these thoughts in my head! He definitely wasn’t ready to get hitched or be a father and he didn’t want to compromise his harem-building plans. He’d been discretely trying to sow the seeds of that plan ever since Sil first talked to him.

He was brought back to reality by the now aching bruises he had on his whole body and the stinging of the scratches Sil had so graciously gifted him. “Van, is there any way to treat my body? I mean, I definitely need some medical attention after getting used like that.” And used was the proper word. Sil had been particularly relentless and focused in her pursuit of happiness. He glanced at her sleeping form.

She was still naked and caked in their fluids, fur sticking out at random angles. She was spread-eagled all over the bed, snoring a bit. Contrary to belief it was not a cute sound at all but since it didn’t really bother him, he didn’t do anything about it. Her still form belied the savagery lying underneath her skin. He grinned as he recalled a few of the things she’d done to him. Man, cat in the ship halls, tiger in the diplomatic sheets.

“Affirmation. Your wounds and abrasions can be treated using standard medical gel patch. Should you have need of it, it can be made using the dispenser. Special permission has been granted by the captain for the production of class 3 restricted materials during this time frame.”

Now I’m curious. Standard? Does that mean everyone gets access to them? No wait, Van said class 3 restricted. Isn’t that higher than coffee? Must be military-grade or something. Yeah, it makes sense. It would look bad if the first human “ambassador” died having sex with a crewmember. Awww… captain, did you finally go dere for me?

“Confirmation. The captain authorised the use of class 3 restricted material because having to answer questions about why that nine times damned human was walking to the medical bay would likely cause her a massive headache. Those are her own words.”

Guess there’s no dere in space.

‘Fine, fine. Can you make me some of that gel? I’d like to treat myself before she wakes up.”

“Affirmation. Cross-referencing human genome and physiological databases and ship medical databases. Calibrating synthesis matrix. Commencing medical gel patch synthesis. The medical gel patches will be ready in thirty four Earth minutes.”

“Thanks, Van.”

“You’re welcome.”

Gus started fidgeting nervously then stopped when the intense pain from his cock flared up.


He decided to manspread as much as possible to avoid any contact with his own skin. Curiously, the gel-ball seat he had had an oddly soothing touch. He looked at Sil once more. She was very… enthusiastic. Too enthusiastic truth be told. He never thought a day would come when he’d say this, but she was asking for too much sex. He was unable to keep up. I seriously need to start hitting the gym. I wonder if the Captain can hook me up. And I need to check Van’s databases for information from Earth. Sil groaned, a hand idly clawing through the air, tail lashing hard against the bed. Dreaming?

He frowned, recalling some of her earlier griping about how he was taking too much time to fuck her. Being a young, hot-blooded man, he decided to do what any sane man would do in this situation: cheat.

“Hey Van, is there anything you can make me that will boost my libido to match Sil’s?”

“Query. What do you mean by ‘boost my libido’? More information is required.”

“Ok, so she can keep going for literally hours, but I can’t. Humans have this thing called the refractory period where it’s really hard or down right impossible to get an erection again after ejaculation. I bet you aliens have a convenient drug I can use to keep a long-lasting erection or to eliminate or reduce that refractory period. Can you think of anything like that?”

“Calculating. Several matches found. Reporting closest match. Coxizu virility serum. The coxizu have developed a serum that boosts production of genetic-forwarding material (in this case, sperm) and reinforces the genitals to ensure that copulation can last for extended periods of time. Effects vary according to species. Effects on human physiology unknown. Warning. It is not recommended for use.”

Leave it to the sex-loving Coxizu to think of something like that, Gus thought as he recalled his first partner’s irresistible body. “Is it a restricted material?”

“Confirmation. Virility serum is not restricted but its use is highly controversial due to both risks of medical complications and social stigma.”

“Fuck the social stigma. Tell me about the complications.”

“Affirmation. Complications include heart failure, liver failure, lung failure, renal failure, shortness of breath, light-headedness, nausea, temporary loss of hearing, temporary blindness, temporary skin lesions, sudden-onset reactive diseases and hunger. Side effects on humans are unknown.”

“Well, fuck. That’s just great. Either Sil fucks me to death or I take space Viagra and my heart gives out anyway. That’s fucking great, Van.”

“Query. My data suggests those outcomes are not favourable. Is there additional data that has been overlooked?”

“No Van, that was sarcasm. Try to look it up in your human database.”

He sighed and once more waited for the gel patches to pop out of the dispenser. His thoughts kept straying to the disappointed looks Sil had given him when she finally realised that poor Gustavo Martinez couldn’t keep up with the she-cat. It left an odd taste in his mouth. You know what, I can live with heart failure.

“Van, can you make one dose of that Coxizu virility serum? I’d also like you to report its use to the captain and assure her that I will be seeking medical help as soon as any side effects appear. Contact Lieutenant Xar from science as well and tell him I’ll have some interesting data for him soon.”

“Confirmation. Messages sent. Awaiting reply. Coxizu virility serum is under synthesis. Time to completion is one Earth hour and seventeen Earth minutes.”

“Cool… Thanks, girl.”

There was a slight pause. “Correction. AI is genderless and as such, should not be addressed as ‘girl’.”

“I don’t know, you sound like a girl. If you don’t like it I’ll stop.”

“Correction. AI does not feel and as such has no like or dislike regarding terminology.”

“Ok, I’ll keep it under wraps then.”

* * *

The medical gel felt like God himself was giving Gus a delicate tongue job as he slapped a patch on his battered skin and bruised balls. Well, more like softly and gingerly applied. He leaned back and moaned, nearly getting an erection as the patch worked its magic and soothed old and new hurts. Technology is an amazing thing.

He laid back into the gel-chair and dozed off. A chime woke him up with a start. He looked around and saw the dispenser’s blinking indicator. He got up, marvelling once again at the lack of pain and grabbed the serum. It was a tiny vial, no bigger than a double A battery with a soft trigger on one end and a sharp needle on the other.

“Warning. Effects of serum on human physiology unknown.”

He was about to reply when a yawn interrupted him. He looked back at the bed and saw Sil stretching languidly. The sensuous motion of her naked muscles and the musk he suddenly smelled caused his little willy to rank up to big willy. Sil blinked the last vestiges of sleep away from her eyes and hungrily stared at him from the bed. She got on all fours and turned away from him. She was half-kneeling, with her butt stuck high in the air, her tail moved to the side for easier access and her pussy was already starting to drip. The scent of her womanhood slowly filled the cabin. Gus deeply inhaled, feeling his meat torpedo reach launch density. Sil glanced back at him, ears cocked, with a coy smile and an eager look in her eyes.

Gus forgot all about the silly little side effects like pissing blood or puking himself out that Van had told him about and slammed the needle into his arm, injecting the serum in one go.

“Yeah, Van, don’t worry, I got this.”

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Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 13

Edit: You guys didn’t get the promised chapter because I am both swamped with work and a lazy piece of shit.

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Just a Guy in Space

Chapter 13

Getting Sil to their cabin proved to be more difficult than expected. She wouldn’t let him go and would glare at anyone who even remotely got close to him. Gus finally lost his temper and tore her off him. All that did was turn that glare on him. She struggled quite hard to get back to hugging him and that’s when it hit him – he was actually considerably stronger than her. The delicate-looking felineperson in front of him was struggling quite hard but he seemed to be holding her literally at arm’s length with little effort. He decided that carrying her would solve both the clinginess and convenient travel problems.

So it was that the confused crewmembers of the Pride of Vanatu saw Gus casually strolling towards the diplomatic quarters with a rather content Dintph female on his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. He would never have been able to do that back on Earth with a human woman but in the Vanatu’s reduced gravity and Sil’s deceptively light frame it only constituted mild exercise.

Sil was trying to coil herself around his neck by the time he got to his cabin. Her hands were wrapped around the top of his head, partially obscuring his view and her legs were across his mouth and over his left shoulder. Thoroughly imbalanced, Gus had to slowly make his way to the bed where he irately threw his lovely companion.

She landed with a yelp and turned back to him with a hurt expression on her face.

“Ok Sil, we need some ground rules. I know you’re still in there and you’re listening, you just don’t care at the moment.”

Sil sprawled on the bed, buried her nose in the sheets and deeply inhaled.

Gus sighed. “Look Sil, I don’t want you to regret any of this when your… thing… is done. I’m trying to help you out here.” He sat on the bed and Sil immediately rolled towards him, settling her cute head on his thigh, left hand idly stroking his leg. “If you need anything, you need to let me know. I don’t actually know anything about Dintphs and there’s only so much AI can do, so I need your input.”

Sil kept staring at him with a goofy grin and slowly lifted her hand towards his face. It stayed suspended in mid-air, as if she had forgotten her original intent, then suddenly bopped him on the nose. What’s this cute creature? Fuck, I’m gonna lose it at this rate. She took this chance to bury her face in his crotch and circle his waist with both arms. He felt a certain part of his anatomy respond to the sudden warmth.

Gus gently stroked Sil’s ears and watched them twitch cutely. “Look Sil, this is serious stuff. I’ll understand if you want to do this with another Dintph. I really don-” he was interrupted when Sil suddenly lunged up, mouth open and small fangs bared.

It took him completely by surprise when her jaws clamped down on his shoulder. He yelped and fell backwards, dragged down by Sil’s weight and momentum. The pain was awfully distracting and he lost his current train of thought. Sil kept biting down, growling like crazy, tail erect and fur bristling.

Gus was on his back as Sil pulled back, saliva trailing from the viciously stinging bite wound on his shoulder. Sil’s green vertical irises were staring at him with the predatory glint a three hundred kilo man had when looking at an all you can eat buffet. “Don’t want else. Want you.” She bent down and gently licked the wound. “Human is best. Sil wants human.”

That effectively broke something inside Gus’ head. He grabbed the back of her head and brought her lips down on his and thoroughly kissed her. She stiffened for a only an instant before melting against him. His tongue began exploring her mouth and he felt her tentative attempts at reciprocation. One hand kept a tight grip on Sil’s head and the other crawled across her body to her pert butt.

The aggressive kissing continued for a few breaths until Gus yanked Sil’s head back and attacked her neck. She seemed to enjoy it given how much louder her purring got. His other hand was groping around, trying to find a seam to get rid of her uniform. His was still on his back and his underused muscles were already starting to ache. He released his deathgrip on Sil’s hair and roughly pushed her back. She recovered with a yelp and glared at him. He was too busy trying to rip his clothes off himself to notice though.

When he finally extricated himself from the mess of clothes he wore, he found that Sil had figured out what he’s been trying to do and got herself naked too. He took a moment to drink in the sight of her body. She stood at nearly the same height as him with those nice C-cups defying gravity (such as it was on this ship). Her smallish nipples were not quite erect. He looked at her taut, flat stomach, her shapely, fur-covered legs and her slender arms. Her cute triangular ears twitched once in a while as he inspected her. Her fur was orange with some white haphazardly streaked here and there. It covered her back, legs, arms, the back of her neck up to her hair. For some reason, her hair and fur had different feels. Her belly, the inside of her thighs, the inside of her forearms, palms and breasts were devoid of the orange, soft fur.

He decided not to wait any longer as the look in Sil’s eyes grew gradually more dangerous and intense. He grabbed her, pulled her close and kissed her again. Her hands shot up to his head and held the back of his neck and gripped his hair. He retaliated by stuffing his tongue roughly into her mouth and slowly moving his hands from the top of her shoulders to her lower back, taking care to caress the muscles on either side of her spine. She somehow managed to purr with his tongue shoved down her throat.

Gus had managed to blunder his way into pleasing Art’ah the first time he’d had sex but kissing was an entirely different story. He was just clumsily pressing his lips to Sil’s and putting his tongue into her mouth like he’d seen in porn. The fiction he’d read didn’t go in too much depth on the subject of kissing and he was woefully lacking in this department. In the meantime, his little soldier was standing at attention and by coincidence ended up between Sil’s legs. It pressed and rubbed against her opening and if he had the presence of mind to focus on the sensations, he would have felt Sil’s pussy convulsing occasionally as he mauled her open mouth.

Her fur was so soft under his hands that he couldn’t help but repeat his shoulder to butt movement several times. Her tail would occasionally hit his hands with all the coiling, uncoiling and lashing around it did. He decided to switch tactics. Sil’s hands were still holding his head to hers. A few stories said to move your tongue like you were trying to write a letter then stick to the letter that makes her go crazy.

By the time Gus got to ‘K’ his tongue was starting to flag with fatigue. Sil was getting more intense and a tad rougher too. He extricated himself from her hands, pinned them behind her back and kissed her neck. The hicky he left stood out quite obviously but he couldn’t care less at the moment. He shuffled closer to the bed, feeling the edge hit her shins then pushed her down.

He advanced, grabbed hold of her ankles and spread her legs wide open. He was standing at full mast, his cock hovering above her dripping entrance. He couldn’t see if she had a clitoris or anything similar due to the thick fur around her genitals but if her physiology was anything close to a cat’s that made sense; she wouldn’t need to be turned on because during estrus she would not be in a state other than horny.

I wonder how she tastes. He released her legs and bent down to kiss her right breast. She started mewling when he pulled her nipple into his mouth and sucked. It quickly expanded, growing larger with every passing second. He switched to the other breast and kneaded the wet nipple left behind. Sil started squirming under him, her hands around his neck, roving all over his back, sometimes gripping, sometimes scratching lightly.

After a while he decided to check out the goods down there. Her fur didn’t really taste like anything but her sweet honeypot was a very different story. She didn’t go crazy and start trashing the bed when he licked her, didn’t explode into a shower of wetness in his face, didn’t scream her ecstasy for everyone to hear. In fact she didn’t really change her behaviour. The occasional purring and squirming were all Gus had as a reward for going down on her. He theorised that while Sil was still highly aroused and felt good from his ministrations, she probably didn’t have the proper nerve endings that resulted in a human woman’s mind-blowing orgasms.

While giving her a good lick was enjoyable in and of itself, he decided he wanted to get to the “meat” of the matter. He adjusted his position and guided his cock to Sil’s pulsing entrance. He looked her in the eyes as he slowly pushed himself into her. She wasn’t that tight and her hole was well-lubricated from all the juices she was dripping all over his bed but as soon as he was fully inside her, she suddenly clenched and arched her back.

Gus nearly exploded inside her then and there. The pressure was incredible. He could see her abdominals contract, her hands clenching tight around those sheets, her eyes scrunched shut as he ruthlessly invaded her deepest spots. The pressure eased up as she relaxed a little. He seized this chance to press himself to her body in missionary. His arms held her tightly, going under her own to hold one shoulder with a hand and grip her hair with the other. She purred louder, head held back by his hand.

He started thrusting slowly, carefully at first, trying to get a feel for what Sil enjoyed best. He licked her ear, the side of her neck, her fur, her cheek, the corner of her eyes (though that one didn’t go as well as planned when she blinked and yelped when part of his tongue jabbed her eye). Her arms snaked around him, hugging him tight. He found a position that didn’t stress his arms and hips as much then went to town on her.

The thrusting caused Sil to switch from purring to full on caterwauling. He could feel her chest vibrate as her cries increased in volume. He was unfortunately unable to enjoy the feeling of her now stiff and engorged nipples pressing and rubbing against his own skin because of the concentration he had to maintain to prevent himself from coming. The pressure in her pussy was an intermittent thing, like a fist clenching and unclenching around his cock. He didn’t realise that it would happen more often when he hit what he later assumed was the back of her pussy.

Sil got rougher and louder the faster and widler Gus’ thrusts became until she started bucking underneath him and he had to pull her head all the way back to keep her top half steady. She started scratching him like crazy, each finger leaving blazing trails of agony on his back. He was too far gone to care about that though. As he felt himself approach the point of no return, he savagely bit her left shoulder in an imitation of what she did to him earlier. That caused her to scream and clench all the muscles in her body, arching her back and driving her fingernails deep into the meat of his back.

The sudden convulsion around his cock was too much for him as he felt all the sperm in his body well up from his balls and travel at light-speed towards the now blazing hot insides of Lieutenant Sil Nubo. He poured everything he had into her, holding nothing back, still thrusting and trying to get to the deepest parts of her pussy. When he finally collapsed on top of her, she was still clenched tightly around his now softening member.

He huffed into the bed, now feeling how his whole back was burning from Sil’s attention and how tired he felt from the exertion. He rolled off Sil’s heaving chest and tried to catch his breath.

“Fffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuck! That was so good Sil!”

Her only response was a content purr. He turned to his left, watching her dazed form. She slowly rolled into him, putting her head on top of his meagre chest, tail lazily coiling and uncoiling at his side.

“Chose well. Good mate,” she purred.

Hell yes! Score one for Gustavo Martinez!

“First time feeling this. Mother right,” she continued. “Incredible if good mate.” She slid on top of him and smiled wickedly, eyes still blazing with lust. “Human can still go.” Her tail softly stroked his spent member and she rocked her hips against his own.

“Come one Sil, I just finished. I need some rest,” Gus said, feeling a dangerous vibe from his newest partner.

The vibe was confirmed when she bared her fangs and hissed. “No waiting! Want more!” She turned around and gripped his already hardening member. Gus yelped as the sensitive head was forcibly shoved into Sil’s hot, moist opening. She squatted on top of him in cowgirl position and grinned madly.

“Want much more!”

I am so fucked.

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Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 12

Just a Guy in Space

EDIT: Guys, I’m really sorry but I got caught up in playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided and I got shitfaced over the weekend. I’ll make it up to you guys.

EDIT 2: I actually thought I hadn’t written a chapter in 7 days instead of just 3. 🙂 tehepero. I already started on the next chapter though, so expect it tonight or tomorrow.

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Chapter 12

Echina was pacing. She wasn’t prone to doing that anymore but the arrival of the human had… encouraged some of the worse habits she had from childhood. AI had sent her the full report of the first Dintph-Human private interaction and while she couldn’t say with a hundred per cent certainty that the human had deliberately triggered the mating period of Lieutenant Sil Nubo, it did look like he had played a part in it.

Lieutenant Xar’usk was reading through the report, for once quite calmly. His mandibles occasionally clicked as he muttered passing comments. He’s taking all his time, that moshomol! Is it because he’s more interested in what he can learn from the human than fixing this situation? Xar’usk was, unfortunately, a typical scientist. He would lose track of everything around him when he found a tiny tidbit of information he considered interesting.

She glanced at the seated beings on the other side of the white syntark table and immediately averted her eyes. Lieutenant Sil Nubo was jammed tightly into the human’s lap and was refusing to move. Her hands were tightly clutched around the human and she was staring vibroblades at the captain. Her mating instinct is already going into overdrive. It’s only been one cycle, isn’t that too fast? She glanced at Xar’usk but he was still calmly reading the report.

The human Gus was holding Sil and chuckling awkwardly. He seemed to be apologising for Sil’s unreasonable behaviour with his eyes. His hands were constantly stroking Sil’s hair and her back. Her bristling fur would smooth over every time he caressed her. I guess he’s good at managing her behaviour. How surprising. Perhaps a bit too good, I’d even say. She narrowed her eyes as she imagined how a being from a backwater planet could manage to emotionally assuage a species he’d never encountered before.

“AI, can you put something on display on the screens please?”

“Affirmation. What do you require?”

“Can you pull up images of calico cats and cat behaviour from your human database?”

“Affirmation. Pulling up relevant records. Information now available on viewscreens.”

Echina turned to the viewscreens curiously and saw a curious four-legged creature. It looked just like a Dintph but the scale was all wrong. She frowned and looked more closely. Even Xar’usk had stopped reading the report and was analysing the new information provided. Striking similarities. The same general colouring and patterns. Nearly the same physiology. They are not bipedals though, and it looks like they only come up to a human shins. Are they domesticated animals? Why do they resemble Dintphs so much? She looked back at Sil, now gently purring into the human’s chest as he played with the tip of her tail. It can’t be that the Dintphs have visited this planet before. It wouldn’t explain the changes from sapiant to domesticated animal. Also the paws. They’re clearly animals. Maybe a close genetic composition but lacking certain key elements? Xar’usk will have a field day. I bet he’ll be wanting dissections again.

Xar’usk clicked his mandibles in exclamation. Echina looked over at him and sat down beside him and made sure not to make eyes contact with the human.

“Captain, based on what I’ve read in this report and what I know of Dintph physiology, I can safely say that while his actions may have caused the lieutenant to enter her mating period, she was already nearly into that period. It is highly probable that the ritual the human employed released a strong surge of pheromones. As you know, some Dintphs are susceptible to high levels of mating pheromones. As for the imprinting, it was hastened by the fact that Lieutenant Nubo already considered the human a suitable mating partner. She certainly wouldn’t shut up about wanting to open him up and see what was inside him.”

Echina leaned back in her uncomfortable syntark chair. Sil Nubo’s purring was increasing in volume and she was busy rubbing her head against the human’s chest. Echina sighed once more and considered her options.

“Human Gustavo Martinez, you have two options; avoid Lieutenant Sil Nubo for the duration of her mating period while she’s confined to her quarters or…” her voice trailed off, not daring to say what she needed.

“Or I stay with her and help her fulfil her urges. I get it. Can you tell me anything about Dintph cross-species breeding? I confess I have no idea what awaits me with this option. Can she get pregnant from the mating? How long does the mating period last? What can I expect? What will happen to Sil during that time? What happens to her after the mating period? Will it affect her? Her reputation among the crew of the Vanatu, I mean. I’ve seen how the rest treat Art’ah and that’s simply because they think of her as deviant. I’m pretty sure cross-species breeding is a taboo given how many looks I’ve been given after my encounter with Art’ah.”

He’s surprisingly astute. Is that genuine concern I can hear in his voice? Sure, AI is translating everything a bit flatly but his words certainly show that he cares for the lieutenant.

“The crew has only been informed that the lieutenant has entered her mating period. There have been several applicants coming forward with mating contracts but so far we’ve told them that the lieutenant prefers to remain in her cabin. If you decide to stay with her, you’ll be confined to her cabin as well to preserve the ruse. As to her reaction after the mating urges subside, I would not presume to know them. You’ll have to personally experience that. Lieutenant Xar’usk or AI can give you a better idea of what to expect during a Dintph mating frenzy.”

The human was absent-mindedly playing with Sil’s ears then nodded once, as if coming to a decision. “Alright, I started this mess, I’ll finish it. I have a request. Can you put Sil in my cabin? It’s a diplomatic cabin and it has a dispenser and sonic shower so we can stay there with little inconvenience. AI can help me with whatever information I require. And it will probably keep you updated on the situation.”

She chewed on her lower lip for a second. The human was right. She just didn’t expect him to volunteer his quarters though. Does he genuinely care for Lieutenant Nubo? She observed him more closely. Sil was currently purring softly and had closed her eyes. Her posture was truly one of contentment and thoughtlessness. She’d rarely seen the lieutenant so unguarded; her bubbly energy was usually empowering her to do a myriad activities, quite vocally in some cases.

“Very well. AI, make the arrangements to have some of the lieutenants utilities carried over to human Gustavo Martinez’ cabin. Ensure that it is carried out with the required privacy. We shall be maintaining the ruse that Lieutenant Nubo has chosen confinement to her cabin. We will also be letting the crew know that the human has developed the Afaxan sickness and will be unable to leave his cabin too.”

The human raised his hand at that. Echian stared. “Yes? What does that mean, raising your hand?”

“It means I have a question. What’s the Afaxan sickness?”

“It refers to a period of adjustment that some species go through when first getting on board a space-faring ship. The duration and effects vary according to species. It is not unheard of to suffer from this debility and will not arouse suspsicions.”

“Ok. If everything’s been thought out, then I guess we should get back to my cabin.” The human gingerly urged lieutenant Nubo off his lap, which took a few minutes. She still had her face in his chest and her arms wrapped around him when they were standing. “Captain, on behalf of Sil, I would like to extend my apologies for this situation and my gratitude at your broad-mindedness. I shall endeavour to keep the impact on the crew of the Pride of Vanatu to a minimum. I realise that my thoughtless actions have triggered this and I will be focusing on studying the different species on the Vanatu to ensure that I do not repeat this. However, concerning Sil, humans have different views when it comes to mating partners. If we copulate, it will mean that we are… together. As in, uh, I will be her exclusive partner and she will be mine, along any others who might join us.”

Echina’s eye twitched and a headache splendidly bloomed between her eyebrows despite the heartfelt apology. “Join you?”

The human smiled. “Yes, others. AI, could you bring up from your database mentions of the Genghis Khan harem and Imperial Dynasty Harems please? You see captain, humans can choose at any time to have a single mating partner or maintain a group of suitable mates indefinitely. This increases the chances of producing progeny. Of course, maintaining a harem isn’t easy and it all depends on the calibre of the man and his skills.”

AI put up several 2D pictures of several human women surrounding someone who was clearly a ruler. It seemed to match what the human had just said. She shrugged. She wasn’t one to look too deeply into other species’ mating habits and rituals. If Lieutenant Sil Nubo accepted this arrangement then it was out of her hands. She would have to wait until her mating urges had subsided before bringing up the subject though. Mentioning other females around a Dintph during that time period was not a good idea.

“I’m not one to interfere in her crew’s lives unless I absolutely have to. I trust that you’ll properly discuss this with the Lieutenant?” He nodded. “Good. Then we’re done here. Lieutenant Xar’usk, a word if you please?”

The human took Lieutenant Nubo in his arms and awkwardly walked out of the room with her still wrapped around him. Echina turned to her chief science officer.

“What do you think?”

“He raised several good points and while he was purposefully vague concerning this multiple mate maintenance system, he seemed truthful. Lieutenant Sil Nubo has firmly imprinted on him and will not change her behaviour. Coming between them might cause more harm than the alternative. I am more worried about cross-species pathogenesis than cross-species breeding at this juncture. I will have to closely observe the situation. I am hereby requesting the use of deeper scans during the mating period to gather the necessary data.”

She raised an eyebrow at that. “Are you sure that you’re not just interested in the interactions between Dintphs and that human? That would be fascinating data, wouldn’t it?”

Xar’usk clicked his mandibles in abject shock. “Captain! I would never! How can you even think of something like that?! That I, a respected Lieutenant and Chief Science Officer would even use his subordinates as experimental subjects for my own gains? How preposterous!”

Her headache was approaching unbearable levels. “Lieutenant. If the next words out of your mandibles aren’t the truth, the clean-up crew will be scrapping your exoskeleton from the ceiling,” she muttered from between clenched teeth.

“Uh… I mean… I was going to suggest dissecting them both and checking their insides, but you keep stopping me. The only option I have is deep scans. Besides, the human doesn’t look like he’ll stop being her mating partner. Such data will be valuable if he ever interacts with other species. Yes, it’s all for the greater good. Yes, yes, of course,” Xar’usk clicked his mandibles excitedly.

Echina had time for one last thought before she left the room.

I am surrounded by madbeings.

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Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 11

Just a Guy in Space

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Chapter 11

The diplomatic cabin was already paying for itself. Gus was seated at his desk with two holographic viewscreens opened in front of him and two additional ones on either side of him. AI had been extremely helpful and had enabled him to browse through tons of data as easily as making coffee.

One screen held all the data AI had on Earth cat behaviour as well as mating behaviours for various felines and other mammals. Another held the anatomical and physiological details of members of the Dintph species. The two screens in front of him held his own personal notes and public medical records for cross-species hormonal interactions as recorded by the Council.

Staying up all night to write essays had certainly helped Gus to slog through unimaginable amounts of data. This experience translated surprisingly well to trying to figure out if he’d permanently brainwashed a crewmember of a space-faring ship. Sil was still fast asleep. She would occasionally purr contentedly, with varying degrees of loudness.

Gus rubbed his eyes and went through his notes again. So it is possible to induce a mating period in Dintphs via hormonal stimulation. It’s not common and it only happens in a clinical setting but it can occur. It’s more akin to a medical procedure used to treat Dintphs who have trouble mating or get irregular mating cycles. That means I’m not completely and utterly fucked.

It had been slightly over three hours since he’d gathered his wits and started to investigate the phenomenon he’d caused. He had since made two pots of coffee even though AI had expressed its disapproval at his blatant use of possibly harmful stimulants. Jesus, it’s like hearing Mom all over again… At least AI doesn’t nag much.

He called up the holographic keyboard once again and hammered some more.

“Query. The digit interface is more intuitive and easier to use with the Pride of Vanatu’s systems. Do you wish to switch from analogue keyboard entry to this system?”

“Fuck off Van, I’m busy.”

“Query. AI is unfamiliar with the turning off copulation. Is that a feature common to humans? Query. Who is Van?”

“Dammit Van. It’s a human expression. It means leave me alone. Also I can’t keep calling you AI, it’s rude. Since you’re the Pride of Vanatu’s AI, you’re Van from now on.”

“Correction. This ship’s AI has no name beyond the official designation of AI X-RR17 type 3.”

Gus sighed. “Look, how about I call you Van when it’s just the two of us or over a private comm? Just think of it as accommodating human sensibilities until you get a different order from the captain.”

“Calculating. There will be no repercussions if ‘Van’ is used as a designation for AI. AI will now respond to ‘Van’ over private comms or when alone with human Gustavo Martinez.”

“Cool beans. Glad that’s cleared up. I gotta get back to work now.”

He ignored the “Query. Do you require refrigerated vegetables?” and focused once more on whether he could snap Sil out of estrus. He slogged through more reports and studies before reaching the conclusion that he’d done fucked up.

Once achieved, artificially induced estrus had to be carried to term. Not doing so usually resulted in short term psychological and physical harm as the recipient became increasingly aggressive and started losing a grip on societal norms of behaviour. Dintphs usually established a mating contract before estrus such that they had a mating pair during the heat period. If the union resulted in offsprings (and they usually did), the mated pair would stay together and raise the offsprings until they were old enough for the communal child carers to take over. That was kind of like temporary marriage. If a Dintph female ever got into estrus without a mating contract, she would act like a literal cat in heat until she found a suitable mate. This more often than not resulted in friction with other beings as a female in estrus wouldn’t care whose boyfriend/mate/partner she was trying to fuck. On a ship the solution was either to find a suitable mate and establish a mating contract or voluntary isolation in one’s crew cabin.

Gus pondered the pros and cons of telling the captain that he’d pushed one of her science officers into estrus. He quickly realised that he didn’t know anything about xenos torture methods. The captain and her severe, cold, beautiful, gorgeous demeanour would most likely want to beat the fuck out of him or confine him to the brig or his cabino. Being a little bitch and not saying anything seemed like the better option.

Sil stirred on his bed, her form still snuggled tightly beneath the polymer cover. He saved all his files, powered down the holodisplays and went to her. Her cute ears twitched and her eyes cracked open. Her nose scrunched up before repeatedly sniffing about, trying to catch some scent or the other. He leaned in and the nose twitching intensified. She purred and slowly moved towards him. Her left hand lazily reached up, lightly grabbing the lapel of his overshirt and pulled him with surprising suddenness and force. He ended up on the bed, half-kneeling over her with his head pressed against the inside of Sil’s neck.

She purred some more, rubbing her cheek against the top of his head, still half-asleep. Her pull became more insistent and he was now lying on his side with Sil’s curled form pressed tightly against his belly. Her ears tickled his chin and her smooth fur felt like heaven wherever it touched his bare skin. Her tail was lazily coiling and uncoiling, moving like a drunken snake. He could see that her uniform was customised so that the tail had a wide enough hole to go through. He could see some of the orange-white fur she had around the base of the tail. On impulse he reached over and gently grabbed it near the base.

Sil’s purring changed in tone, carrying a kind of disapproval but her tail wrapped itself around his wrist slowly. He loosened his hold on the base and started to gently stroked what he could with his thumb. Sil kept purring and sleepily unfurled from her ball-posture. Her head collided with his chin before changing direction and stopping with her mouth level with the side of his neck. Her two hands where in front of her and gently gripped his overshirt near his meagre pecs. More surprising was the leg she threw up over his hip. It was strangely aggressive given what he knew of Sil but not unheard of for a sleeping person (or catperson for that matter) to latch onto whatever was near.

He lost track of how long he stayed in this position but he knew better than to move even when he started losing sensation in the arm underneath Sil’s body. He had nowhere to be either so he immersed himself in stroking Sil’s soft fur and listening to her contented purring. She would occasionally lick his neck or playfully nip his ear with her teeth. He released her tail and watched it uncoil from his wrist. On impulse he slid a finger from her neck to her pert butt, down her spine. The reaction was immediate: her purring grew in volume and her back arced upwards, pressing against his finger. His finger stayed where it was at the base of her tail and he reluctantly took it away when he heard Van’s chime.

“Update. Only one Earth hour left until lieutenant Sil Nubo has to report for duty. Suggestion. Cleaning up, eating and heading to your own cabin to get ready would be the optimum course of action, Lieutenant Sil Nubo.”

He felt her body gradually stiffen, muscles being recruited back to work from their slumber, soft curves turning firmer with alertness as sleep was chased by wakefulness. He chanced a look downwards and saw half-lidded eyes staring up at him.

“Hello you.”

“Hhhhrrrmmm…” She purred and blinked herself awake. “Hello.”

“So… You, uh, you heard AI right? It’s nearly time for you to report back for duty.”

“Don’t want.”

That’s new. “What do you mean ‘Don’t want?’ You’re supposed to be the responsible one here, not me.”

“Don’t want.” Her head suddenly buried itself in the crook of his neck and he felt another lick on his skin. “Stay here.”

Gus was flabbergasted. This was not in any of his predictions. “AI, is this normal behaviour for a female Dintph in the throes of a mating urge?”

“Affirmation. It would appear Lieutenant Sil Nubo has imprinted on you as a mating partner possibility. As such, she will want increased proximity with you, more attention and will grow jealous of others that seek to monopolise your time.”

“Great. That’s great. And by great, I mean not great.”

He gently grabbed Sil’s shoulder with his one responsive hand and started to push her away. “It’s wakey-wakey time Sil. I really don’t want to end up in the brig and you need to go to your shift.”

Sil buried her head further into his neck, pressing almost painfully into him. Her hands were now gripping his overshirt quite firmly and where showing no signs of releasing him. Her tail was angrily lashing against the bed with heavy strikes. He pushed harder but stopped when she quite literally growled and nipped his neck with more pressure than before.

He gave up and gathered her in his arms, hugging her close to him. Her purring reached a crescendo and her ears tickled his nose as he stroked her back. I’m in deep shit. “AI, is there a protocol in place if a Dintph gets into her mating period? Like, what happens? Is she exempt from duty? Does she have to make a report? Is there an HR meeting?”

“Query. What is an HR meeting?”

“HR is short for Human Resource. An HR meeting basically means that the people in a company that are assigned to care for the employees’ wellbeing come up to you and your partner and enquire if your interaction is going to affect the company and the people around you. It’s a bit more complicated than this but that’s the basics.”

“Correction. Such a role is assumed by the ship’s counsellor. Such a meeting is not required at this juncture however the captain must be notified if a crew member enters their mating period. Appropriate steps are then taken into account. Reserve members are called up to fill in a gap in the ship’s day to day roster for the required time frame.”

“Sounds great. Could you alert the captain for me please?”

“Affirmation. A report has already been sent.”

These are not the words I want to hear right now, Van.

“Has the captain issued a response?”

“Affirmation. The captain has taken the necessary steps.”

* * *

“Are you sure about this, AI?”

“Affirmation. Lieutenant Sil Nubo has entered the initial stages of her mating period. The onset was sudden and, due to his presence, the human Gustavo Martinez has been imprinted as a possible mating partner.”

Echina sighed. This is going to get messy. “Has Lieutenant Nubo shown any of the signs of aggression indicating deeper imprinting?”

“Affirmation. Initial observations indicate that Lieutenant Sil Nubo has already developed a possessive attitude towards the human Gustavo Martinez. She has also indicated that she prefers his company to working on her assigned shift. Guidelines suggest granting her an amnesty on any ship duties for the duration of the mating period.”

“Hmm… that sounds about right. Issue a notification to the concerned crew members regarding the lieutenant’s state and prepare the necessary follow-up deskwork.”

“Confirmation. The appropriate steps have been taken.”

“How did Nubo imprint on him anyway?”

“Observation. Lieutenant Sil Nubo and the human Gustavo Martinez were discussing the different aspects of human culture and social rituals in the diplomatic cabin. Lieutenant Nubo decided to stay in the cabin after her assigned shift had ended to obtain data for her personal files. After the onset of her mating urges, she fell asleep. Upon waking, she imprinted on the human Gustavo Martinez, perhaps due to the closeness she felt to him and by virtue of being the first potential mate she saw when waking up.”

Echina grunted. Coincidences upon coincidences. “Now then… What do we do about the human? AI, how likely are they to mate at this juncture?”

“Calculating. Based on observed data, there is a 78% chance of the human Gustavo Martinez and Lieutenant Sil Nubo to copulate as a result of the onset of the mating period.”

Echina chewed her lower lip in contemplation. “AI, schedule a meeting with the human and Lieutenant Nubo. We will address the issues surrounding their circumstances.”

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Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 10

Just a Guy in Space

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Chapter 10

“Confirmation. The human Gustavo Martinez has made contact with Lieutenant Sil Nubo.”

“Good. I trust they are discussing the intricacies of human physiology.”

“Confirmation. Lieutenant Sil Nubo is asking a great many questions of the human. They range from the mundane to the scientifically relevant. Query. Should a prompt be sent to the lieutenant regarding the questions to be asked?”

“No need for that. I can excuse curious exuberance in the face of encountering a brand new sapiant species, let alone one from a deathworld.”

“Confirmation. Lieutenant Nubo is transcribing notes for her personal use. Should this be stopped?”

“No. As long as she’s not noting anything that would be considered classified, she can keep going. If need be we can redact the necessary information from her records should they turn out to be sensitive.”

“Affirmation. Issuing a non-sensitive classification to interview transcripts.”

Lieutenant Lashqran turned to her as soon as AI’s voice stopped. “Captain, you should be resting. This is the second double-shift you’ve pulled in a seven cycle period.” He kept going, ignoring Echina’s frown. “Medical has assured me that you cannot sustain such a pace for long without starting to suffer from deterioration effects due to lack of rest. May I suggest that you retire to your quarters and let the supplementary team handle the ship’s routine operations?”

This was a blatant way to ingratiate himself to her on a personal and professional level, however Echina was sorely tempted by the offer. Lashqran had been slowly becoming more insistent ever since their last visit to Landoval Station nearly a year (Standard Galactic Time) ago. She suspected this sudden interest in her was due to whatever information Clan Takk had sent him about her own situation in Clan Umdyn. Again, the familiar headache started making itself known.

Echina got up from the Captain’s chair, rubbing a temple with her left thumb. “You win this time, Lieutenant. I’ll be heading to my quarters. Standard rules of conduct apply in my absence. I will be expecting a situation report when I return.”

Lashqran beamed as he settled himself in the captain’s chair. He looks a little too smug in there. Echina put him out of her mind as she made her way to the commons. She fancied some shnolok stew before resting. The commons were suitably busy when she entered. Conversations hushed wherever she passed by but quickly resumed. She didn’t mind it. She had not promoted an easy-to-approach attitude to the crew since she’d taken command of the Pride of Vanatu. While many captains didn’t mind making friend amongst their crew members, Echina felt that was unnecessary. As long as we each do our duty, we’ll get along fine.

She reached the public dispensers and quickly ordered a small portion of shnolok stew. She selected a lone table and savoured the delicate balance of flavours in her mouth. She observed the crew around her while she ate. They’re all so… carefree… I wonder why. Is it the companionship they’ve forged among themselves? She smiled bitterly. Such companionship had been denied her in her own clan. Why would outsiders even consider befriending her if her own clanmates would not? All in the name of duty. If clan Takk thinks they can catch an undulotte by following the canal, then they’re very wrong. They will never enter Clan Umdyn through me.

She finished her meal and headed back to her cabin. It was noticeably lonelier than usual.

* * *

“So tell me Sil, we’ve been discussing human mating rituals for a while now and you know considerably more than you knew earlier. Isn’t it time for you to reciprocate?”

Sil blushed a deeper shade of red. Her tail curled around her left leg tightly. “I suppose that’s only fair.” Her breasts strained against her uniform. “What do you want to know?”

“You mentioned before that Dintphs have regular mating periods right? How does your behaviour change in that time period?”

She fidgeted even harder, making her breasts sway even more. Gus estimated she had something like a C cup but he couldn’t be sure. It certainly wasn’t bigger than a D cup. She was filling out that uniform quite nicely though. She was wearing what looked like the spats version of the Vanatu uniform, exposing her shapely legs to the world. Her orange fur was randomly streaked with shocking white. He looked up from her legs just in time to see her triangular ears twitch twice.

“Well, Dintphs are very social creatures but during their mating periods, the females will exhibit a few common patterns of behaviour. We tend to become more vocal, demand attention more often, rub our face and head against beings we find suitable for mating ,that kind of thing…” She blushed so hard, she couldn’t speak anymore.

Gus patiently waited for her to settle down, admiring the way her tail would display her mental state. It was lashing left and right in agitation right now. “You’re not telling me everything. Come on Sil, I’m as curious about you as you are about me,” Gus said, leaning forward towards Sil. The smell of his sweat once again caused her a daze but she quickly recovered.

“We-well, we also, you know… become more aggressive, especially towards other females. Sometimes a female Dintph will… coil her tail around…” She blushed some more before continuing. “… around her partner’s leg. If she is more advanced in her mating period, she might even expose herself to her partner. But that’s only in private!” she screamed while covering her face with both hands. She fell from her chair and rolled around on the floor, hands still on her face. Oh, is that the shame roll? Wow, Sil is turning out to be my second favourite alien so far.

“What else Sil? There has to be a sign that you give that means you absolutely have to mate and you can’t wait anymore.” She stopped rolling and peeked at him from between a gap in her fingers. He went to her and dropped to a knee. She squeezed her eyes shut and properly covered her face. Her ears were erect and twitching wildly. Gus chuckled as he grabbed her hands and forced them off her face. “You’re cheating Sil. I really need an answer from you.”

Sil finally relented and spoke in a tiny, shy voice. “In the final stages of her mating period, a female Dintph will often secrete clear fluids and expose her genitals. Sometimes she will even present her posterior in an easy mating posture.” Having said this incriminating piece of evidence, she fled and grabbed his bed cover, covering herself in it. She looked like a gigantic Chinese bun.

Gus laughed out loud seeing this typically human shyness display. What a girl you are Sil! I don’t think I’ll ever grow bored of you! He settled back into his chair and reflected on what had just happened.

This looks like a very embarrassing and private subject. I doubt she would have talked about this in her usual state. I’ve noticed she’s looked more out of it than usual. The sweat definitely has an effect on her. I think it makes her more susceptible to suggestions. Like how I’ve been forcing her to talk about mating rituals. I don’t think it works on stuff she really doesn’t want to talk about.

Sil’s cute head finally peeked out of the bed cover ball. “You’re a very bad person, making me say these kinds of things,” she pouted.

He laughed. “I can’t help it. I really want to know more about you Sil. To be honest, I’ve never met a woman before you who was so interested in my mating behaviour.” He got up and approached her, sitting next to her and leaning his back on the soft, bulky cover. “I think you’re fascinating and beautiful,” he said as he softly caressed her head. He ears twitched but she said nothing. He couldn’t see her face but he was sure it was crimson. He kept caressing her head, feeling the softness of her fur and the casually touching her ears. He traced them, lightly touching the edges, feeling a slight tremble. Sil groaned but still did not throw his hand off.

They must have spent nearly five minutes there, one hiding in embarrassed silence, the other caressing with curious delight. Gus felt that he needed to push Sil a bit more and stood up, grabbed the cover and yanked it off her. She yelped in surprise, still curled up in a ball. Gus grinned and tossed the cover in the same corner as his vacsuit. Sil looked up at him in accusation but quickly turned her head away with a hmph and a cute pout.

Time to go for broke.

He gathered her up, ball and all, and sat on the gel chair. She was surprisingly light in his arms. All that time in the gym had paid off it seemed. He strengthened his resolve to exercise more. Basic strength would help him more than writing abstracts now. Sil was starting to weakly struggle but Gus held her tight in his arms. The odour of his sweat permeated the air and in time Sil got that same dazed look she had before.

Gus kept up the caresses and Sil unconsciously purred. Her back arced and pressed against his. It was doing wonders to his lower body. He softly blew on her right ear and watched it twitch cutely. She pressed herself more firmly to him, turning the left side of her body into his. This had the unfortunate effect of crushing her hip bone against his growing erection but he did not mind the pain. Sil was putty in his hands as of now.

He contemplated making a move on her but he doubted she was as open to sex as Art’ah was. Given how embarrassed she’d been to just speak about it, mating was very interesting but somewhat taboo to her. He’d have to coax her into it. Is there a way to induce heat in Dintphs? So far, her mating behaviour is so similar to estrus in cats that it’s frightening. He kept stroking her ear with one hand, the other gently holding her against him. Wait… If sweat makes her more open to suggestions and it’s because of pheromones… then would something that’s theoretically more loaded with pheromones induce a stronger state?

He pondered the pros and cons for a while before settling on an answer. “Sil, can you hear me?” She purred some more, her right ear twitching once. “Is that a yes?” Her ear twitched again. He smiled. “Good. Do you remember when we first met? I was using a human ritual to control my mating urges. Do you remember that?”

Single twitch.

“Well, my mating urges are starting to act up again. I think I need to care of myself. I don’t normally do this in front of others but since you’re special, I’ll let you watch. Is that okay with you?”

This time, there was no purring, no twitching, no response of any kind. Gus grew increasingly more nervous with every passing second. Had he pushed her too far? He considered apologising and letting it go when he felt the ear twitch just once in his hand.

Sil’s eyes opened and she looked at him with the same dazed eyes. “Show me.”

He gently put her on the bed and turned her towards him. “This may seem shocking to you but I need you to stay still and not move while I do this. It’s not a good idea to interrupt a human once he starts this ritual.”

She absent-mindedly nodded, staring at him intently. He slowly stripped off the lower part of his outer exofilm cloth. Sil’s eyes immediately went to his growing cock. He felt a thrill he hadn’t felt even with Art’ah as he slowly moved his fist up and down his shaft. His girth pressed against his palm and his shaft peeked out from the top of his fist, growing to his usual length.

He stared at Sil, watching her eyes dart all around his genitals. Her ears were locked forward, like a wolf staring at prey. More like, a cat watching a mouse. Her mouth was agape, her soft-looking, pink tongue darting out of her small mouth to occasionally wet her lips. She sat up, shifting to all fours, all the while staring at his junk as he kept a steady rhythm. She slowly approached like a panther on the prowled, a soft purr rising from her throat, until she was at the edge of the bed. Her eyes never left his cock.

He was feeling tingly everywhere, like his blood was suddenly too hot and uncomfortable. He started panting and sweating with effort. His fist was now painful around his cock but he kept pumping it up and down. He could not bring himself to slow down or move more gently. Sil sat on her haunches, arms leaning forward, putting her weight on her arms, pushing herself towards him until her nose was nearly touching the tip of his cock.

Her hot breathe added to the cocktail of sensations he was feeling and he felt the familiar urge deep in his balls. He imagined he could sense the muscles in his nether regions contracting, the sperm rushing through his vas deferens and outwards. He loosened his fist but increased his pace such that the friction was starting to hurt him with the force and heat of it. He barely restrained his shout as thick ropes of sticky white fluid erupted from him uncontrollably.

Most of it ended up on Sil’s face, splattering her face and fur, even her uniform. She yelped and fell back on the bed. Gus kept his cock aimed at her, still spewing forth what felt like torrents of sperm at her. He finally relented then staggered back, drained. He fell onto the gel chair. It automatically adjusted to his posture and he focused on catching his breath. He brushed hair matted with sweat out of his eyes and peered at Sil.

She was sitting up on the bed with her knees pressed together and ankles angled outwards. She was staring wide-eyed at the sperm stuck on her hands. She seemed in a daze as she slowly brought the back of her right hand up to her mouth, tongue snaking out sinuously to taste it. The tip dipped onto the top of one dollop of the white fluid before swiftly retracting. She then took at long, deliberate lick of the stuff and swallowed. She starting breathing heavily, quickly panting and licking her hands, getting all the spunk spread across her digits.

Gus watched as she slowly cleaned herself up, rubbing the back of her hands across her face, dragging every last bit of his hot genetic material to her hungry mouth in increasingly more frantic motions. He got up, grabbed what he assumed was a towel from the cloth closet he had and starting to clean Sil’s face up as best he could. She let him do as he wished like an uncomprehending child.

Gus was starting to get worried. She had a vacant look in her eyes and her breathing was getting rougher. What had he done to her? He was racking his brain trying to figure out how to fix her when she purred once more.

Her right hand reached languidly for his cock and tugged at it slightly. He followed her motion and ended up in front of her face. Her mouth opened wide, her tongue reaching out with heavy strings of saliva dripping from it. She licked up what remained on his cock then purred.

He gently pulled her hand back and put his exofilm cloth pants back on. He knelt in front of Sil and snapped his fingers a couple of times. She blinked, looked at him and seemed to regain part of her faculties. She looked up at him, face flushed and ears flat against her head. Her tail was lazily coiling and uncoiling by her side.

She reached up and grabbed the hem of his exofilm cloth and dragged him closer. She purred as she rested her head in the crook of his neck. He stayed there in an awkward half-kneel until he felt his legs start to tremble from the strain then straightened up. Sil blinked absent-mindedly and reclined on his bed. She laid her head on his pillow and closed her eyes.

Her breathing slowed down, returned to normal, then got to the slow, steady rhythm of a sleeping woman. Gus stared at the sleeping figure on his bed, afraid of waking her up. He finally grabbed the bed cover from the corner it was in and gently covered Sil. The gel chair once again accommodated his frame as he thought about the events of the past thirty minutes.

I need to figure out what happened and fast. The effect of the sweat was unexpected but it wasn’t that bad. The sperm was a game-breaker though. I don’t like the way she was acting. I hope it’s something she can sleep off. I really don’t need to be in trouble with the captain.

He glanced at Sil. She had not stirred. On a whim, he decided to ask AI.

“AI, is there anything wrong with Sil?”

“Calculating. Sensors reveal elevated body temperature. Several factors could have affected Lieutenant Sil Nubo to produce such an effect. More observations are needed to provide a definite judgement of Lieutenant Sil Nubo’s status.”

“Thanks. Can you let me know privately as soon as you have an answer?”

“Affirmation. AI will contact you on your personal comms channel once a satisfactory answer has been reached.”

“Can you tell me when Sil’s new shift starts?”

“Calculating. Lieutenant Sil Nubo’s next shift will start in eight hundred and forty-two units Standard Galactic Time. The equivalent is seven Earth hours to the nearest hour.”

“Thanks AI.”

“You’re welcome.”

Ok, I have seven hours to figure this out.

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Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 9

Just a Guy in Space

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Chapter 9

“How are you feeling? Are you okay? Is the suit too bulky? How are you breathing? How do you find life on the ship? Did you eat yet? Have you tried the shnolok stew? It’s really good. You should try the Dinpth dishes, they’re really good too. Wait, can you even eat a dintph dish? How do you eat? Can you e-“

“Hold up, hold up! I can only answer so fast. Jeez, Sil, I know you’re excited about this but try to pace yourself.”

Lieutenant Sil Nubo chuckled awkwardly and leaned back into her chair. She was staring intently at Gus, trying to catch every single detail of his facial expressions and gestures.

“Can you set up that field you used the other time? I think it would be much easier to communicate without the suit interfering.”

“Sure, give me a minute.” She tapped a few commands on the console and the familiar pink field sprang up around the bed he was sitting on. It slowly turned transparent and he proceeded to strip off the bulky suit.

“Whew, that’s better.” He leaned back against the bed, crossing his arms. “Now about your questions… The suit is bulky but there’s not much I can do about it. I have spare containers of breathable atmosphere for breathing while in the suit. I’ve eaten, but only simple earth dishes. I have to do some more experimenting with the dispensers. As for your kind of food, I still don’t know if I can eat it. Happy?”

Sil was furiously slamming her fingers on the console panel, probably recording his every words.

He frowned. “Are you writing this down? Shouldn’t AI automatically record this and transcribe it into a written report?”

“Yes, AI is currently doing that. This is for my personal journal.”

“Oh? What’s the difference? You can access these records easily, can’t you?”

Sil’s tail lashed left and right in quick succession as she blushed. “Well, I’m recording things that might not make it into the official report.”

“Things like, oh I don’t know, mating rituals?” he asked with a smirk. Sil blushed a deeper red but didn’t answer. “So let’s get the official version over with then. What do you want to know?”

“First off, tell me about movement in the vacsuit provided. Did you feel there was a risk for your tanks or the suit itself to leak? How did you cope with the suit? Did it bother you when eating? Do you have any ideas for improvements?”

“Let’s see… I didn’t feel there was a huge risk for the suit to start venting atmosphere but then again, it hasn’t been placed in a stressful environment. Walking around is a bit awkward and in the long run the suit feels heavy enough that I get tired, but that happens after the three hour mark. Eating wasn’t a problem, I ate this liquidised sludge of proteins, carbs and healthy fats through a straw when I first got to the commons. Well, technically, the second time I went to the commons. As for improvements, I couldn’t say. I’d have to see the specs for the suit and have more experience with it. So far, all I’ve got is make a suit that actually fits my frame.”

“Good, good. Very good indeed. What did you mean by the second time you went to the commons? Did you not eat the first time?”

“I met someone and, ah, got distracted. Then I went to sleep and headed back to the commons. I couldn’t be arsed experimenting with the dispensers, so I just got that sludge I mentioned.”

“Yes, the basic nutrient packs. A popular choice during wartime. What does ‘can’t be arsed’ mean?”

“Sorry, human expression. It means I couldn’t bring myself to expend the energy to do that. This can be due to fatigue or just plain laziness.”

Sil nodded absent-mindedly as she type some more on the console. After a while, she lifted her head and resumed the questioning. She asked about how he was adapting to life on the ship. Is the lower gravity affecting him? How are you dealing with excreting? Do you excrete? Are your accommodations adequate? How often do you have to eat? Have you tried xenos food yet? Would you be willing to test several dishes from other cultures in a controlled environment? How will your immune system react? Is it possible to replicate your immune system? How do you deal with the multiple microorganisms you host in and on your body? What samples can we safely take from your body? Will that damage you? Will those samples be contagious?

Endless questions that reminded him of his professor’s ten year old niece were fired at him non-stop. Midway through AI revealed that a scan had revealed no change in his physiology after interacting with Art’ah. Sil cutely tilted her head sideways but ignored the AI’s interjection. When they finally finished up, his stomach growled loudly and Sil sharply looked up from her console.

“That’s my stomach growling. It’s a sign that I have to eat.”

She nodded. “Scans show that your stomach acids have increased in concentration and your glucose markers are on the low side. All this indicates hunger in humans?”

“Yes, but it’s not just that. We feel an emptiness in our stomach as well as these hunger pangs. Our stomachs growl due to the movement of air in our bowels which is in turn due to peristalsis. If this state continues, we feel irritable, light-headed. We can experience headaches and nausea and a lack of concentgration. We can’t handle more than about twenty days without food. That differs with people though and it also depends on how much water we have available.”

“Twenty days? That’s absurd. No species can survive that long unless they have evolved certain features specifically to combat that.”

“Well, the thing is after a while, the human body starts to cannibalise itself. At first we use up glycogen. Then fats. As we proceed, the body uses fatty acids and ketone bodies. Non-essential proteins start to be broken down. The essential proteins. That basically means that our muscles get broken down. Eventually we die.”

Sil looked as shocked as in their first meeting. “That’s… Your own body does that to you? How can it even do that? Does it not have fail-safes to prevent just that kind of process?”

Gus awkwardly chuckled. “The human body’s capacity for survival is unmatched. We can do things even we ourselves do not think we can do. It all depends on how far you’re willing to go.”

“Deathworlder…” Sil whispered in an almost reverent voice.

Her stare was starting to make him nervous and he got up and put the suit back on. The field flickered out with a faint shimmer as his suit clicked close. The familiar rush of breathable atmosphere echoed strangely within the suit. “Hey Sil, how close to human breathable atmosphere is your homeworld’s?”

Her cute triangular cat ears perked up as she busied herself at her console. “Why are you asking?”

“Well, I figured I could go grab something to eat back in my cabin with you and we could talk some more. If we can breathe the same atmosphere it would make things much easier. Are you still on duty?”

“I am still on duty but it’s not like I have to be in the lab to monitor and question you. My shift actually ends in thirty minutes.” She paused as her console beeped. “Yes, I believe I’ve found a match for an atmosphere we can both breathe. How do humans respond to large concentrations of hydrogen?”

“That would kill us actually. We’re basically fine if we breathe in enough oxygen and some sort of noble gas. Do you understand the concept of noble gases? Humans classify them as gases that do not normally react with their surroundings.”

Sil typed a few more seconds, waited for an additional beep then nodded. “Can you get back in the field so I can test this combination?”

Ten minutes and one successful atmosphere later they were headed towards his cabin. They passed by several curious xenoi and even more disgruntled Agaraxians but Sil kept up a steady stream of questions punctuated with frequent bouts of typing on her datapad. Gus was happy to entertain her. Her exuberance was a welcomed change to the polite stoicism that most of the crew treated him to.

Once inside, he threw the suit off in its usual corner and realised he was drenched with sweat. Sil was staring at him quite strangely. “Are you alright?”

She blinked, coming out of her trance. “Uh, yes, yes. It’s just… Your body odour is strangely… It’s… I don’t know…” Her eyes were starting to roam across his body.

Gus slowly stretched, making sure the thin exofilm innerwear he was wearing properly hugged the meagre muscles he had. Sil didn’t seem to notice much to his dismay but he could see her nostrils suddenly flare. Is it my smell? The muscles aren’t doing much it seems. Hmm… Pheromones in the sweat? I’ll have to investigate. Gus quickly gave upon the idea of a quick sonic shower as he turned on a million watt smile towards Sil.

“Do you want to eat as well? It would be a shame if I were the only one to fill my stomach.”

“Uh… yes… I don’t mind…”

He turned to the dispenser and ordered a medium rare beef steak with pepper sauce and a side of crisp french fries cooked in duck oil. What he got was a lump of uneven brownish meat drowning in a dark sauce and soggy yellow rectangles. He sighed. I really need to work on this dispenser. I can’t keep eating mush or nutrient sludges. Sil absent-mindedly told AI her order and within minutes they were seated at a table that popped out of the floor. Two of those wide bluish balls also popped out. Sil sat on one with practiced ease and sighed as the ball seemed to flow up and around her, instantly adapting to her form and providing a suitable seat. He sat too and felt the ball (it was really more like a gel) glide around him as it changed into a chair-like fixture. It was really comfortable too. Probably the perks of diplomatic room.

They ate in relative silence, him because he was trying to gobble the brown mush and Sil because she would keep staring at him mid-sentence. He started having fun with it. He would raise his arms such that they would release sweatgas clouds or play with his exofilm, lifting it off his body much like a flirting woman. Sil would invariably stop speaking whenever he did that and stare at his hands or armpits like a lion eyeing prey.

They somehow finished eating when Sil’s datapad chimed. She blinked and looked at it. “My shift has ended it seems.”

“Good! Then with this, the proper, stiff, scientific report is done. You can ask me any questions for your personal journal if you want. You can even ask more about those human mating rituals you’re so interested in,” Gus asked as he leered at her.

Sil blushed a deep crimson before taking a deep breath and looking at him with shining eyes. “That would be lovely. Are there any questions you wouldn’t feel comfortable answering?” she asked, leaning forward, hands tightly clutching her datapad.

Gus grinned. “Of course there are but for you my dear, I’d be willing to answer anything.”

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Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 8

Edit: Apologies for the delay, I got swamped with work.

Just a Guy in Space

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Chapter 8

“Confirmation. The human Gustavo Martinez has made contact with Ensign First Class Art’ah.”

Captain Echina, clan Umdyn, nodded absent-mindedly. “Continue monitoring his activities and report back in case of anomalies.”

She leaned back into the captain’s chair. Ensign Art’ah was a Coxizu, a very social creature who had nevertheless suffered from a muted discrimination from some of the Vanatu’s crew. This was mostly due to the stigma of Coxizu sexuality but also from a certain refusal to engage with others from Ensign Art’ah herself.

Or was it himself? He should stop changing his gender all the time, damn him.

Lieutenant Lashqran fingers’ were dancing on the console in front of him, filing fuel consumption reports and doing other miscellaneous tasks. He had strongly advised against exposing the rest of the crew to the human. While most of his arguments were valid – such as exposure to unknown microorganisms, danger from the human himself or even disruption of normal ship activities – the main reason he objected was xenophobia.

Lashqran had been up for promotion before but had suffered two consecutive reprimands due to xenophobia. They were massive red marks on his otherwise pristine file. She mused that maybe exposure to an unknown xenos would trigger curiosity that might be reflected in a change of attitude towards beings not of his own race, however that was wishful thinking.

She thought back to Lieutenant Xar’usk and his now constant requests to fight or dissect the human. A ping from her chair comms brought her back to the now.

“Captain, the human Gustavo Martinez and Ensign First Class Art’ah are heading to the Ensign’s cabin. A request to change the cabin’s atmosphere has been made by the human. Should it be acquiesced?”

“What kind of change are we talking about?”

“Gustavo Martinez has requested that the atmosphere be changed to one that can support both his and Ensign Art’ah’s normal breathing pattern. Sending you the report now.”

She brought the report up and quickly scanned it. Hmmm… did the human think of this? That’s surprisingly astute, removing the unnecessary components and finding a middle ground. I suppose he got lucky this time, other species might not have compatible requirements.

“I approve the change. Keep me updated.”

AI lapsed back into silence. Echina remembered that the human had said he was a scientist. Maybe she should let him and the science department hash things out and do a better job of parsing through the data the scout probe had brought back. Nine Gods knew she needed to have a flawless report to explain this to her superiors.

“Captain, Ensign First Class Art’ah and the human Gustavo Martinez have engaged in coitus.”

She felt the beginnings of a headache. She was glad that AI was speaking directly to her ear comms and not through the overhead PA system. Of course they have. Because we don’t already have enough problems. Did they even think about the consequences? Who brought this on? Was it Art’ah or the human himself? Are they even compatible? Well that tells us a few things about humans already. “AI, monitor them and report back if any of them present adverse reactions to contact with each other.”

She went back to the various ship housekeeping duties she had but her mind was clearly wandering. Her crew did not notice anything, each absorbed in their own tasks. Thinking about it, having the human interact with Art’ah could be a blessing in disguise. Through her – or him- they’d be able to tell if the human was safe to interact with. Granted, the Coxizu had a much stronger defence system than other species but these defences could be adapted to the needs of the many through their nanites. If push came to shove, she could request administration of a nanite booster to each crewmember or go the easy road and simply quarantine the human.

“Captain, the human Gustavo Martinez has requested a meeting with a member of the science department. He nominated either Lieutenant Sil Nubo or Lieutenant Xar’suk.”

“Hmmm… Tell him I’ll get back to him regarding that.” She turned to Lashqran. Noticing her movement, he turned and waited. Lashqran was the very example of an old Agaraxian mentality that espoused the superiority of their race and the inadequacy of others. While this movement had quickly lost ground amongst her people due to the various exchanges they’d have with other species, it still had a few adherents. Lashqran would definitely not volunteer an Agaraxian for this.

“Lieutenant Lashqran, it would be wise to have a member of the science department take a look at the long-lasting effects of space travel on our latest… guest. I’m thinking of having Lieutenant Xar’usk assigned to that.”

Lashqran immediately frowned. “Hasn’t the dear lieutenant expressed a desire to dissect, kill or eat the guest?”

Ah yes, I forgot that. I didn’t think he was serious.

“Furthermore, we don’t know what exposure to the human will do,” Lashqran continued.

“It’s because we don’t know that we must investigate. I don’t want to have an Agaraxian do it without having taken the proper safety measures. A species with a high degree of resistance to disease would be a better fit.”

Lashqran nodded in approval. “A Kmigar certainly is resistant but they’re also very aggressive towards what they deem to be challenging prey. Maybe a Dintph? If I’m not mistaken, they’ve recently taken their cyclic immunity booster. Lieutenant Sil Nubo has also expressed her interest in the new xenos. Several times.”

Echina slowly nodded. “I’ll tell AI to contact them both. Notify Lieutenant Xar’usk that they’ll need a sterile room with the proper set-up.”

* * *

Gus tiredly made his way to his cabin. The suit was starting to weight on him. He’d have to ask the captain for something more practical. The door swooshed open after he hit the panel and minutes later the stale air he was breathing was replaced by sweet atmosphere. He tossed the suit in corner and made his way to the shower.

Stepping inside, he realised he didn’t know how to use it. There were several panels, all of them a different size and colour. In the end he gave up and asked AI to shower him as it saw fit. He put on oversized sleepwear and fell to the bed. In seconds, his mind blacked out.

His eyes opened to a muted light on the ceiling of the cabin. His mouth was dry and his shirt was damp with sweat. He propped himself on an elbow and rubbed his face.

“AI, how long was I sleeping?”

“You have been sleeping for six hundred and fifty one units Standard Galactic Time.”

“How much is that in Earth Time? To the nearest hour?”

“Calculating. The equivalent is 5 Earth hours.”


“You’re welcome.”

He hopped in the sonic shower and had AI take care of him again. It wasn’t as refreshing as a nice water shower and didn’t wake him up either but at least he was clean. God, I need some coffee. “AI, how do I get food or drinks in my cabin? If I understand correctly I don’t have a standard crew cabin right?”

“Affirmation. You have been granted a diplomatic guest room. It is larger compared to an ordinary crew cabin and has several features not available to the common crew. These include a larger private sonic shower, a viewscreen and holostation, a larger cloth cabinet, access to several decorations and a dispenser. The decorations must be requisitioned from a quartermaster and are subject to approval from the captain.”

“What’s this dispenser business?”

“A dispenser is a tool that can synthetise food and various materials. They are used more heavily in the engineering and medical departments. Yours has been locked to provide only food. The selection of dishes you may order is available on your personal datapad. You will find it on your desk.”

He turned, really eying his room for the first time. It was bigger than anything he’s ever been in back on Earth. He had been lucky with his foster family and hadn’t encountered any of the horror stories from the system you hear about so often however his foster parents weren’t well-off. He’d had to make do with what he had and while he was grateful to them, he’d never really enjoyed a fulfilling life back on Earth.

His desk was quite large, about 2 meters at its longest, molded in an L shape. There was meter wide bluish ball instead of a chair behind the desk and he saw an assortment of tools on top. He grabbed what looked like a pad. It blinked on as his finger brushed the screen.

“Biometrics scan initiated. Please wait. Confirmed. Datapad keyed to user biometrics.”

“AI, does that mean only I can use this? Can you explain how to use it?”

“Correction. While common crewmembers will not be able to access this datapad, officers will be able to. It is also possible for the ship AI and the captain to remotely access this datapad. After parsing and compiling the data from the scout probe, a working translation of all non-classified materials available on the Pride of Vanatu has been made available to you. Pressing a finger to the handle will activate it. You can input manual or vocal commands to use it. Should there be something you do not understand or are unsure how to do, you may ask AI to help you.”

“Nice. I guess I’ve got a lot of reading to do. Where’s that food dispenser?”

An overhead light activated in response, highlighting the dispenser. It was a gunmetal-coloured, blocky contraption the size of a fridge. It had a thirty centimetre wide panel at chest height with a blinking green light at the bottom right corner. He experimentally pressed a finger to the screen and saw it light up much like the data pad. He tried to explore the choices he had before giving up.

“AI, can you link the data you have from the probe to this terminal here? I want to eat and drink stuff but I can’t be bothered manually looking everything up on this thing. Can I just say ‘I want coffee’ and voila?”

“Calculating. Cross-linking the database and dispenser menu is feasible. Warning. AI is not familiar with the term ‘voila’. Clarification is needed.”

Gus tiredly rubbed his eyes. “It’s a term used to express the sudden appearance of something or someone. So, can you get me some coffee?” he asked, a not inconsiderable amount of hope in his voice.

“Calculating. Accessing central database. Several instances of ‘coffee’ detected. Clarification is needed.”

“Uh… I want a chai latte. Single origin, South American coffee beans used for the espresso. Choose any at random for the coffee beans. Pasteurised cow milk for the milk. An even mixture of cloves, cinnamon, ginger and black peppercorns for the spices. Use proportions written down in chai latte coffee recipes from Earth.”

“Calculating. Recipes found. Ingredients isolated. Analysing composition. Warning. Chai latte has been classified as a category one restricted beverage.”

“What? What does that mean?”

“Clarification. The presence of compounds detrimental to physiology detected in beverage. Active ingredient is caffeine. Re-classified as moderate potency drug. Beverage is not fit for consumption.”

“See now, it’s perfectly healthy and fit for consumption. Human consumption, that is. I don’t care what happens to other species when they drink this but humans are practically immune to its effects. The most that can happen to me is that I’ll skip a nap for a few hours.”

“Warning. AI must contact the captain to receive approval for initiating chai latte procedure.”

“Great. Just patch me through to her please.”

“Patching. You are now in comms with Captain Echina of clan Umdyn.”

“Uh… Captain Echina? This is Gus Martinez, the human. Can I have a moment of your time?”

“I’m busy. Make it quick.” Well, this wasn’t a good start. Her voice was colder than Martina Chavez’ after he told her he wanted to motorboat her tits.

“I’m trying to get some earth food via the dispenser in my room but it turned out to be a category one restricted something or the other. While I appreciate that this kind of food may be detrimental to xenoi species, it has minimal effects on human physiology. Can you give AI permission to make that for me please?”

There was silence on the other end of the line. This isn’t good at all. Come on captain, I just want food.

“You’re saying that category one restricted materials have no effect on humans?”

“No, I’m not saying that at all,” Gus said in his best student tutor voice. “I’m just saying that this drink in particular has no or minimal effects on human physiology. It’s considered a delicacy on Earth actually.”

More silence. He decided to take a gamble.

“Look captain, how about this? You can have AI monitor me for a while after I drink my coffee. If there are any adverse effects, you’ll hear of them straight from AI. As a gesture of good will, I am even willing to work with your science department to see the effects of human food on other xenos species. If no problems are found, you’ll potentially have access to an entire undiscovered civilisation’s food culture. Think of the cultural and diplomatic repercussions that would have. I bet that would look really good in your, uh, your report.”

Come on, come on. I just want the goddamn coffee.

“AI will monitor your biometrics. This beverage will be restricted to humans only until further notice. I am giving AI permission to synthetise any foodstuffs up to the category one classification. Additionally, your presence will be required at the science department once you’re ready. A science officer will work with you to investigate human physiology and what effects it has on our crew. AI will guide you to the required room.”

“Thanks a lot captain. I really appreciate it.”

The communication abruptly got cut off and Gus was left staring at the wall. “AI, I’d like to get that chai latte now please.”

The dispenser’s screen lit up and a status update window appeared. Within seconds, a panel opened in the blocky contraption and a white mug containing a steaming liquid could be seen in the crevice. Gus grabbed it and smelled it. Smells like home.

“Thanks a lot AI. I really, really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome.”

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Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 7

Just a Guy in Space

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Chapter 7

She was unlike any woman he’d ever known before. You’ve never been with a woman before you dolt. Never mind that, she really wasn’t like any woman he’d ever imagined before. Amateur porn had taught him many things. Theoretical things to be sure, but things that he thought were constants. Things like a woman getting wet if she felt horny, the clitoris and g-spot being the win buttons or even that a woman needed time to adjust to the size of something she hadn’t experienced before.

Art’ah was definitely not a typical woman.

As Gus plunged inside her, he felt the slick walls of her pussy gently part and shape themselves around him into a snug fit. She felt surprisingly cool inside compared to the warmth of her skin. He rhythmically thrust himself in and out, trying to get a feel of her reactions.

Art’ah was moaning into his shoulder, arms wound around his back and legs spread for easier access. He buried his face into her blue hair and inhaled deeply. He looked up in astonishment – she didn’t smell like anything. No sweat, no lingering scent of shampoo or soap, no nothing. He mentally shrugged and concentrated on thrusting.

The walls around his cock felt… different. He felt the resistance of muscles less and the engulfment of a water bed more. Could it be that fluid under her skin? It responded to his every thrust by moulding itself about his shaft then returning to its original form. It feels like… like memory-foam silly putty. He chuckled and abandoned thought.

Time slowed to every thrust, to every gasp, to every scream of his strained muscles. A hand crept to Art’ah’s hair, tangling long strands between sweaty fingers and pulling. Gus himself didn’t realise what he was doing as Art’ah head jerked upwards, her mouth opened in a gasping moan as his body covered hers. Her voluptuous breasts crushed against his chest, her dick throbbed against his flat stomach and her warmth seeped into him as he hungrily kissed her.

She responded with a passion that momentarily frightened him. Fear quickly turned to desire as their lips mashed into each other. His eyes were closed but he could see himself trying to push every single centimetre of himself into her in his mind’s eye. His left hand glided across her back and ended on her left buttock. He tightly gripped it, feeling more than hearing her moan, and savagely thrust. His tongue was invading her mouth – a living creature exploring a new cave, eager to find sweet, sweet honey. His right hand was still tightly clutching her hair near her skull.

Gus could feel long unused muscles straining to sustain his ardour. His hips were screaming in protest as he tried to bury himself still more deeply into her. Art’ah’s fingers were painfully gripping his shoulders and he could feel his lungs burning with the need for oxygen. His mouth released hers and he rested his forehead in the crook of her neck as they both drew great gasping breaths. His hips were machines pumping again and again. He pulled her hair again and exposed her neck.

His tongue snaked out and licked the base of her neck where soft, fluid flesh met collarbone. The pitch of her moaning increased as he licked her neck continuously. His thrusting slowed down, partly due to fatigue, partly so he could focus on her neck more. He kissed the soft flesh and released his death grip on her hair. His left hand caressed her lower cheek and roamed to her fleshy thigh. He grabbed it, hoisting it up and around his hips as he kept kissing her neck.

His savage thrusting turned gentle, almost loving. His left hand was still holding Art’ah’s thigh. Her legs moved of their own volition and ended up locked around him. He brought his hands down, softly rubbing her lower back. His lips didn’t stop kissing her deep blue skin. His hands crept up her back, trailing from lower back to shoulder blades and finally clutching her shoulders in a reverse grip.

He stopped moving and adjusted his position, lifting his head up and settling his body more comfortably against hers. Art’ah warm breath hit his face as he looked into her eyes and saw the same need he felt reflected there. He slowly resumed thrusting, hearing her sharp intake of breath and her slow exhalation. His hips were still burning but it didn’t feel like he would drop dead at any time anymore.

He took the time to explore the sensations from her pussy more deeply. She wasn’t wet but there was definitely a mechanism that facilitated penetration at work here. The walls of her pussy still had that strange clinging quality to them but they felt more… slick than before. Something to do with friction? The slow thrusting was working wonders for Art’ah but Gus felt tantalisingly close to a finish. This position didn’t allow for much stimulation for him so he decided to try one of the positions he liked seeing in porn the most.

He released her shoulders and propped himself up with his arms. He brought his knees to her hips and knelt in front of her, dick still inside her pussy. She was looking at him curiously as he grabbed an ankle in each hand and lifter her legs to rest on his shoulders. He finally hugged the legs to his chest and leaned forward, resting more of his weight on her. The change was immediate. Art’ah arched her back and let out a long moan as her pussy walls contracted around his cock.

Gus took that as his queue to begin thrusting anew. This position was much easier on his hips and the sensations he felt were vastly better than before. He gripped her legs tightly as his movements turned increasingly faster. Art’ah’s moaning was now constant and her pussy started clenching on his cock. Is she having an orgasm? He couldn’t tell but he could feel his own approaching so he sped up, jackhammering himself into Art’ah.

For a while the sound of Art’ah’s moans, Gus’ grunting and the slapping of their flesh was all that permeated the cabin until it reached a crescendo. Gus threw his head back with a loud shout as he pierced Art’ah one final time before shuddering with a mind-numbing orgasm. His cock convulsed mightily as spurt after spurt of hot sperm gushed into her pussy. He was still clutching her legs as his balls finished emptying themselves.

Gus released Art’ah’s now limp legs and rolled off her, almost falling off the bed. They both laid on their backs, heaving deep breaths into their lungs. Gus was feeling light-headed from the exercise and covered his eyes with a sweaty forearm as he felt sweet oxygen flood his burning lungs.

His swallowed, feeling how dry his throat. “That was… amazing,” he managed to croak out.

Art’ah’s only response was to roll over to him and drape herself across his body. Her firm breasts pressed against his chest, her leg was thrown over his own and her dick was softly tickling his thigh. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her blue hair. He admired her exquisitely soft body, seeing the deep blue coloration of her skin slowly fading to the normal pale blue she usually sported. He leaned in and kissed her hair, his other hand stroking the fingers resting on his chest.

He was admiring the sight of his cum drizzling out of her pussy when his mind snapped back into focus.

“Holy shit balls. Art’ah, are you all right?”

“I am more than all right. I haven’t had fun like that in a long while,” she purred.

“No I mean… I’m a hotbed of infectious microorganisms. I’m worried about one of them finally finding its balls and jumping over to you.”

She turned her face up, looking at him. “Sacred defecations? Wait, no, another human expression?” He nodded. “Worry not. Not only do the Coxizu have a strong defence system but we supplement it with an array of nanite injections. They help break down any foreign organisms that make their way into our bodies. Our scientists felt that given our proclivity for copulation we would do well to have a solid immune system.”

“AI, what are the chances of Art’ah getting an infection from me?”

“Calculating. Unable to calculate. Not enough data.”

“Figured as much. I should ask Sil about this. She might know more.”

“Sil? You mean Lieutenant Sil Nubo?”

“Yeah, we’ve talked about human-alien interaction before.”

Art’ah simply put her head back on his chest and sighed contentedly. Gus kept stroking her long hair, his mind a blank. His companion finally interrupted the silence with a question.

“So how was it?”


“This…” she gestured at their intertwined bodies.

“Oh, that was great. Fantastic. Never felt like that before.”

She chuckled. “Thank you, but how did it compare to a human woman?”

“I, uh, I wouldn’t know.”

She turned to him again, raising an eyebrow. So we have that in common I guess.

“Yeah, I’m a virgin. I’ve never been with a woman. Sexually, I mean.”

She stared at him, searching his eyes for something. She finally shrugged. “You are strangely competent for someone who’s never done this before.”

“Thanks. I didn’t know I had it in me. Hey, mind if I ask an indelicate question?”

“Go ahead.”

“Aren’t you worried about pregnancy?”

“No. The Coxizu do not have a mating cycle but we can choose when to be ready for impregnation.”



He leaned into the bed, feeling the warm body he was holding in his arms. The dick was still pocking him. He ignored it. Another day.

He was starting to doze off when Art’ah sighed and extricated himself from his body.

“I have a work shift soon. I need to shower,” she said, pressing a panel on the cabin wall. A segment seamless opened, revealing a small cubicle just barely big enough for two people.

He watched as she walked in, her tall body looking bonelessly soft. He watched the waterfall of dark blue hair ending just at her butt crack. Watched the sway of her hips, the lithe steps she took into the shower. Watched the jiggle of her breasts.

“Need someone to scrub your back?”

She turned to him curiously. “Scrubbing is not necessary. This is a sonic shower.” She pressed another panel and a field sprung into existence, cutting them off. Her figure turned blurry for a moment before the field disappeared and she stepped out. “Sonics are efficient, fast and effective. Do you want to try one of these?”

He slowly got up, feeling the ache in his body now that his blood wasn’t running hot anymore.

“Might as well.”

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Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 6

Just a Guy in Space

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Chapter 6

Gus was still dragging Art’ah to her room (with his HUD now displaying directions) when it hit him. “AI, What’s the difference between Earth and Art’ah’s home atmosphere? I mean, are there any elements present in her atmosphere that will be detrimental to me and vice versa?”

“Calculating. Earth’s atmosphere contains a high amount of gases toxic to Coxizu. Coxizu atmosphere lacks key components required for Human respiration.”

“Can you elaborate?”

“Clarification. Toxic gases in Earth atmosphere by percentage are nitrogen at seventy eight per cent, argon at point nine per cent and neon, helium and methane at trace amounts. Warning. Gas concentration varies according to geographic patterns no Earth. Coxizu atmosphere presents a total lack of oxygen. It also contains traces of vaporised heavy metals such as lead, zinc and copper that can lead to long term damage to humans. Warning. Information derived from data collected from damaged scout probe. Information provided may be subject to change.”

“I see… So it’s the noble gases and the nitrogen. Elements that are not required for human respiration. How convenient.” He was still pulling the strangely quiet Art’ah behind him and pondered for a while. “AI, how vital are the heavy metals to Art’ah’s wellbeing? Is it possible to switch the atmosphere in her cabin to that her homeworld, but remove the heavy metals and add in twenty percent by volume of oxygen?”

“Calculating. Switching unnecessary elements out of Coxizu atmosphere. Inserting oxygen twenty per cent by volume. Calculating. Re-arrangement complete. The atmosphere in Ensign First Class Art’ah’s cabin has been modified to your request.”

He cracked a huge smile. “Sweet. Why are you so helpful AI?” he asked, not really expecting an answer.

“Captain Echina of clan Umdyn has instructed me to make every arrangement to ensure your continued survival on board the Pride of Vanatu. Tweaking life support requirements in a single cabin does not exceed my purview regarding your wellbeing. Modifications that bring harm to crew members are strictly forbidden however. Should you attempt any such changes, Captain Echina and security will be alerted at once.”

“Makes sense. Thanks a lot.”

“You’re welcome.”

Gus finally arrived at his destination and turned to the silent Art’ah. She still looked like she was blushing and her eyes were firmly fixed on the deck. The translucent skin on her face was a deeper shade of blue around her eyes and ears, a very human-like reaction. Gus wondered how many human mannerisms could be associated with aliens. “You’ve been very quiet along the way. Are you having second thoughts?”

She finally looked up and her arms sort of trembled. Noticing my lack of reactions she decided to clear things up. “No, I’m not having second thoughts. It’s just that in Coxizu culture, once you decide to copulate, the party that initiated contact is expected to lead and the partner complies.”

Gus raised an eyebrow. “So you turn submissive or dominant depending on who initiates sex?” Interesting. I wonder how far this behaviour extends. “Whatever, why don’t we just get inside? There’s a lot we have to do,” he said with a wide grin.

Art’ah pressed her palm to a raised plate on the wall and the cabin’s door slide open. There was a shimmering, transparent pink field blocking the way in but she got inside without a hitch. It was mostly likely there to keep the tweaked atmosphere in the cabin from leaking out. Gus stepped in and marvelled at the interior design… not.

The room had the stark utilitarianism he expected from a spaceship with limited space but there were some touches here and there of Art’ah individuality. Same old grey deck and white walls but at the desk was a hologram of a spinning planet (the Coxizu homeworld?), one of three Coxizu smiling and what appeared to be a tall lamp in one corner of the room. There was a wide viewscreen opposite the bed, for entertainment and leisure perhaps?

He turned to her and saw her shyly sit on the bed. Gus input a few commands on his suit control pad and waited. There was a whine as the breathable air in the suit was drained back into the portable air supply unit. He held his breath and cracked his suit open. He quickly pulled his helmet off and gasped. The discarded suit was thrown into a corner of the room and Gus stretched, sighing in pleasure.

Art’ah was staring at him wide-eyed. Her eyes were roaming across his body, lingering on his visible crotch tent. He smirked and approached her.

“So Art’ah, here we are.” He reached to his shirt and started tugging it upwards. Her eyes stared at his flat stomach. “Like what you see?” Her arms lightly trembled again. Is that the Coxizu version of a nod? “Do you want to see more?” he asked as he threw his shirt on top of the vacsuit. Her strangely compliant and shy behaviour was flipping his S switch way on and he found himself pulling all the classics from various stories he’d read online back on Earth.

Art’ah’s eyes slide down towards his crotch again and she started fidgeting again. “Your… your… organ…” she whispered. Her breathing audibly sped up as his pants slide down his legs and he stepped out of them.

“Not good enough Art’ah. It’s called a cock and you have to properly ask for it if you want it.”

Her blush deepened, the blue coloration growing from her ears down to her whole neck. “I want to see your cock.”

Too easy.

“Say please.”

“I want to see your cock, please.”

He hooked his thumbs in the waistband and starting tugging his boxers down when he frowned and suddenly looked up. “It doesn’t seem very fair that I’m the only one getting naked here. Get that uniform off.”

Art’ah blushed even deeper, the blue coloration now extending down to her shoulders. She shakily got up and started stripping her uniform off. Her breasts finally sprang free and jiggled in the low gravity of the Vanatu. Her translucent skin was shining like aquamarine in the cabin’s lighting. The clear fluid beneath offered a strangely erotic view, like she was a crystal statue and not an actual woman. She discarded her uniform and sat down on her bed, leaning back on her hands and offering a great view of her still jiggling breasts.

Gus nervously swallowed and started forward. He could see her hard dick in between her legs. It was about ten centimetres long and not too thick at just a couple of fingers wide. Phew, mine’s bigger. He smiled smugly as he looked in Art’ah eyes and pulled his boxers down.

She gasped, a hand flying to cover her mouth. Her incredulous gaze did not waver from his cock. “Why is it so big?”

Gus looked down as his fully erect cock painfully announced its arrival. When was the last time I had an erection this hard? It was twenty one centimetres long and three fingers wide all around. He was quite proud of himself, knowing he was above average back on Earth but he’d never had the opportunity to show it off. He straightened with his hands on his hips, thrusting his tool forward.

“Heh, it’s not actually that big. I’ve seen some bigger cocks back on Earth.” She was still staring. He approached her slowly. “Here, touch it.”

Her hand tentatively reached out and he made his cock twitch just before she touched it. She quickly withdrew her hand, as if fearing being burnt but a resolute expression replaced her previous dazed look. Her hand snaked out and grabbed it – a bit painfully truth be told. Gus waited but all she did was hold it and stare at it until he cleared his throat.

“So what do the Coxizu usually do at this point?”

“Well, we generally play with it but the ones I’ve seen aren’t usually this big, so I’m not sure how to proceed.”

Gus frowned. “Wait, aren’t the Coxizu supposed to be really promiscuous? How come you’ve never seen one that big before?”

She was gave a slight tug, eliciting a groan from Gus. “The Coxizu are also considered deviants because we have evolved to have a larger set of genitals than other species. As far as I know, in all of the Council species, the biggest genitals stand at about thirteen centimetres.”

Holy shit. I should change my name to Lex Steele. Or Peter North.

“So go ahead, play with it. You can use both hands if you want.”

She pulled him closer and placed both hands on the shaft, carefully massaging it. A moan escaped his lips. Art’ah looked up at him and smiled, some confidence starting to replace the surprise on her face. Her delicate fingers trailed across his shaft, touching his balls as well. It was incredibly sensual and pretty soon he was leaking precum. Art’ah curiously stared but continued her ministrations.

Gus was starting to grow impatient. “Does the concept of foreplay exist in this galaxy?”

“Playing before playing? I do not understand.”

“That’s a mistranslation. It’s an Earth term for the process that escalates sexual desire before actual copulation. If the Coxizu are considered sexual deviants, they should have some sort of super foreplay technique, yes?” he asked hopefully.

She laughed lightly. “Yes we do have such techniques. I am currently using one of them. There are other more… extreme methods.” Her smiled turned wicked. “Do you want to see them?”

“Fuck yes, I’m down for anything you want.”

She leaned forward and her mouth engulfed his cock. Her tongue danced eagerly on his knob, slathering him in viscous saliva. He moaned and physically willed his hands to stay on his hips, letting Art’ah explore him to her heart’s content. Her tongue was a living dervish, squirming everywhere inside her mouth, spending time on the frenulum, the opening of the urethra or the rest of his shaft. He closed his eyes and let the sensations take over.

He didn’t see Art’ah look up at him. He did however feel her pull him closer and start to slide her mouth down his shaft and suck. The suction and feel on her throat on his cock proved to be too much for him and his hands shot out to the back of her head. He pushed her head rhythmically down his shaft and she mutely complied with no complaints.

He looked down at her and found her eyes staring up at him. Strands of sticky saliva were already covering her chin and her greenish-blue eyes were glued to his as he grabbed the back of her head and pushed it down his shaft. The sensations were exquisite. He could feel her throat squeezing his head tight and her tongue was tickling the base of his cock. He was fast approaching his limit but he abruptly pulled her head off him and pushed her onto the bed with a shout.

Art’ah looked at him with bewilderment while he struggled to catch his breathe. His sanity was slowly returning but his libido was swiftly telling him to kick it into high gear. Art’ah was slowly wiping her chin with a delicate hand when he pounced on her and pinned her to the bed.

He leaned forward and crushed her lips with his, hungrily sucking on them and teasing her with his tongue. He felt her lips part and her own tongue snaked out and met his in an increasingly complex ballet. He lost himself in slobbering kisses, spreading more of that sticky saliva of hers on her face before pulling back. He roughly grabbed her hair and pulled her head back.

She cried out but didn’t stop him. He gently kissed her right ear, then licked her earlobe, still holding her head. He slid his tongue down her neck to her collarbone, tasting her tantalising skin. He made his way to her sizable breasts and released her head, bringing his hands to hold the jiggly globes. He roughly grabbed them, squeezing them hard in his hands. Art’ah’s pained groan only served to excite him more. He continued to knead her breasts while licking them. He had seen earlier that she didn’t have any nipples – that was already a major difference between human and Coxizu women.

He just licked wherever he could and changed his rough pawing to gentle caresses. The abrupt change delighted his partner who sighed contentedly. Enough of the breasts. If there are no nipples, it’s not as fun. He wanted to slide his tongue all the way down to her pussy but the insistent throbbing of her cock against his chest dissuaded him. I’m not that high-leveled yet. Sorry Art’ah, but that’ll have to wait until another time. The thought of an accidental blowjob was slowing his downwards approach but Gus decided to seize the bull by the horns.

He got off Art’ah wickedly amazing body and grabbed her legs. He lifted them up, feeling the seemingly boneless softness of her thighs and brought her toes to his mouth. He suckled them noisily, getting saliva everywhere. His diamond cock was rubbing gently against Art’ah’s. Try as he might, he couldn’t avoid it. Fuck it. No homo, bruh. He continued the foot licking, realising that Art’ah wasn’t feeling ticklish at all. Another difference between her and other human women. His cock brushed against the tip of Art’ah’s and he heard her soft gasp. He released her foot from his mouth and – still holding both her legs up by the ankles – gently rubbed his cockhead against Art’ah’s smaller one.

The reaction was immediate and very vocal. Art’ah arched her back and thrust her hips towards him. She kept trying to rub their dicks together, grasping the pillow behind her in a death grip and moaning like a slut on a phone sex line. Her eyes were firmly closed and her skin was gradually turning a deeper shade of blue all over her body.

Gus took the time to observe her as he continued playing with her body. Turns out the Coxizu didn’t have a clitoris. The penis most likely played the same role, given that it emerged from roughly the same location he’d seen a clit on naked pics. Does she have a G spot? Is she going to get wet? Can she even get an orgasm?

The only way to find out was to explore. He let go of her ankles and lied down, his legs hanging off her bed and his face pressed against her left inner thigh. Her skin was alarmingly hot as he kissed and licked his way to the entrance of her pussy. He saw her smallish cock in its full glory – no homo, no homo, no homo – and carefully dived into her pussy tongue-first. Art’ah’s pleased gasp and the slight shiver in her legs were enough reward to let ignore the cock-shaped warmth on his forehead.

He licked and licked and licked, eliciting varying amounts of squeals, but it didn’t seem like she as getting any wetter. Correction, it didn’t seem like she was getting wet at all. On a whim, he stuck a couple of fingers inside and felt the walls. They weren’t slimy with secretions as he expected, even a bit cold compared to the inferno that was her skin on his. Another difference in physiology? He kept feeling the walls, looking for the fabled g spot with no success. The rough surface that acted as a magical orgasm button was nowhere to be found. Gus started having cold sweat. He really, really, really, really did not want to handle Art’ah’s junk unless he absolutely had to but it was looking like her biggest erogenous zone was the frenulum of her cock.

“Enough already! I’ve been waiting for ages! I can’t take this anymore, this playing before playing is going to kill me at this rate!” Art’ah suddenly shouted. She propped herself up with her elbows, glaring at him through those amazing blue-green eyes. “I appreciate that you’re trying to make me feel good but I really need you to be inside me now!”

Her dick unfortunately leaned against his face with more force. He got up, finally free of its touch. He wiped his mouth and rubbed his wet hand all over his cock. He placed the head against the opening of Art’ah pussy and looked at her.

She was beautiful, her skin now a deep blue all over, a sign of her arousal evident for all to see. She held his gaze with eyes hazy from lust as he slowly pushed the tip in and sharply drew in a breath.

He grabbed her ankles again, lifted her legs up and held them vertically in front of him. She was squirming, trying to force him inside her but he held himself back, waiting. She finally looked back at him with pleading eyes.

He grinned.

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Just a Guy in Space – Chapter 5

Just a Guy in Space

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Chapter 5

The suit was clunky to be sure. It was designed for Agaraxians but while they might look like humans, their physiology was different. They did not sweat, for example, so did not require material that breathed or took into consideration heat distribution. The males of the species were all much taller than he was. As a result he was walking around in a slightly oversized suit that kept slipping at odd moments and was akin to a blast furnace.

The suit itself worked as intended. It kept the ship’s atmosphere out and prevented his pesky microbes from killing everyone and everything. It turned out that the vast majority of alien species on board did not have a self-regulating, self-sustaining immune system. They required regular injections of immunity-boosting materials, “updates” so to speak, to be able to combat new diseases. It was surprising how few of those actually emerged but when they did they tended to do massive damage. They’d probably shit their pants if he told them about the influenza virus.

The ship itself was pretty big. It had an engineering department, a science bay, medical bay, armory, shuttle bay, loading docks, a variety of accommodations for crew (“berths” according to AI’s translation) as well as several rooms geared towards relaxation. Sadly there was no holodeck on this particular ship, the scope of their mission not warranting such expenditure.

The Pride of Vanatu was nominally a scout ship but it was closer to an all-purpose exploration ship, kind of like the Enterprise but smaller. The crew itself numbered 437, which consisted of a majority of Agaraxians and several other Council species. He’d been told by the ever-helpful AI that this was not a sample representation of the species distribution of the Council. They had chosen some of the more combat-oriented species of the Council to crew the Vanatu for reasons that were still eluding him.

“AI, are you sure this is the right way to the commons?” The one really cool function of the vacsuit was to be able to communicate directly with the Pride of Vanatu’s AI.

“Calculating. This is indeed the most efficient way of reaching the commons.”

“Thanks. I need all the help I can get in this place.”

“AI does not need to be thanked. It is my duty to help.”

Gus frowned. “Well you know where I’m from it’s customary to just say ‘you’re welcome’ when someone says thanks. I know you’re an AI but that doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings, right?”

“Incorrect. AI has been programmed to have no emotions. Emotions cloud judgement and clear judgement is required to function optimally on each mission. It has been proven that AIs without the emotion component are four hundred and fifty seven per cent more efficient than those with the emotion component.”

“Well that explains quite a few things. So you’re the no fun kind of AI, huh? You know what, can you comply with a few of my requests if they don’t clash with your programming or my security clearance?”

“Affirmation. What is your request?”

“When I say thanks in any way, can you just say ‘you’re welcome’ instead of going ‘I am AI and it is my duty to have a stick in my ass’ please?”

“Incorrect. As an AI I do not have a physical body. As such, I cannot have anything in any orifice.”

Gus sighed. “Can you just comply please?”

“Affirmation. From now on AI will respond to ‘thank you’ with ‘you’re welcome’.”

“Great. By the way, are you a boy or a girl?” asked Professor Oak.

“Incorrect. AI does not have an assigned gender.”

“Here we go again.” He sighed once more. “Who was the one who made you by the way?”

“AI was programmed by the computations department of the New Intergalactic Coalition of Sonder’s fleet management entity.”

“Hey, it’s the New Intergalactic Coalition of Sonder right? Why does everyone I meet call it the Council then?”

“Explanation. The High Council of the New Intergalactic Coalition of Sonder is responsible for any and all legislation changes in the coalition. It holds both the highest level of responsibility and the highest level of recognition amongst the species of the Coalition. As such, the New Intergalactic Coalition of Sonder is colloquially referred to as the Council.”


“You’re welcome.”

* * *

The mess hall or commons was an integral part of social interaction on the Vanatu. All the species on board needed to eat and Gus was no different. AI had correlated all the data recovered from the scout probe and had integrated it into its database. As such, food palatable for humans was available in the commons.

Gus shambled into the commons and sucked in a breath. The room itself resembled some of the more ordinary rooms he’d seen in the various sci-fi media back on Earth. It was pretty big to be sure, capable of housing roughly a hundred people (“Ninety three people,” AI interjected) with the same colour scheme as the rest of the ship: a white ceiling with various lights, that curious grey plastic/steel material for flooring with numerous viewscreens on the walls. No, that was not what took his breathe away.

The commons was bustling with activity. There were many people (“Correction. ‘Beings’ is the appropriate term”) walking around, getting meals, chatting and laughing with each other. The majority were green Agaraxians but he could see many more species. There was something that looked like a rockslide walking around with ponderous steps. He was surprised the deck wasn’t vibrating. He saw some more of those bugmen (“Correction. That species are the Kmigar”) engaged in a fierce storm of clicks, some catpeople interspersed here and there (“Correction. That species are the Dintph”) and – was that a child-sized jellyfish?

“AI, what’s that jellyfish-like thing?” he said, pointing at said species.

“Correction. That species are the Aellag. They are an integral part of the Pride of Vanatu’s crew and are responsible for many tasks requiring fine touch and high dexterity. Many of them are employed by the engineering and science departments.”

“Well better get some grub. Where do I go?” he enquired.

“The food dispensers are located on the starboard side of the room. You may find a variety of human dishes available as well as several xenoi plates.”

“Starboard, that’s the left, yes?”

“Correction. Starboard is the right-hand side facing the nose of the Pride of Vanatu. Location pinged on your HUD.”

He was doing some shambling of his own towards the food dispensers when he bumped into something and slipped to the deck. He cursed (“Query. Who is copulating with your mother?”) and floundered around like a landed fish until a hand firmly grabbed one of his arms and lifted him upright. Or tried to at any rate. Having grown in a high-gravity environment meant that his bones were denser than the average Council species. His physique might look scrawny next to some of the other species but his muscles were higher-performing and deceptively bulkier. His body weight combined with the weight of the vacsuit meant that it wasn’t easy for an unprepared xenos to lift him up.

The xenos in question gave a distinctly feminine yelp and fell on top of him. The next minute was a flurry of confused limbs slapping at each other in an attempt to find proper leverage to get up. He ended at a table gasping for breath with his mysterious “rescuer” in front of him. He looked up and saw a tall, blue and devastatingly beautiful guy looking at him.

He was about 2 meters tall, with long, thin limbs that ended in four-fingered hands. His features were delicate and refined, like the depictions of noble ladies in some of the anime he watched. He was wearing the standard crew uniform that fitted his form quite perfectly and his long, deep blue hair was currently dishevelled from their previous struggle. That’s the weirdest boner I’ve had so far. Gus cleared his throat and mumble a hello.

The alien smiled. “Hello. You are the human, are you not?”

Dammit, even his voice is boner-inducing. Is this Gus’ awakening?

“Yeah, that’s me. Who are you?”

The smile deepened. “I am Art’ah, the Pride of Vanatu’s helmsbeing. I am pleased to have finally met you, Human.”

“Thanks. What do you mean ‘finally’?”

“Captain Echina made an announcement two cycles past to inform the crew about our newest guest. We were naturally stunned at the news but shock quickly gave way to interest.” He leaned towards him and lowered his voice conspiratorially. “You see, at first our mission was new and exciting but we quickly grew bored. The same routine was mind-numbing. Then you showed up.”

“Why thanks, I aim to please. Wait – you said you’re the helmsman? Who’s piloting the ship if you’re here?”

A melodious laugh echoed. “There are several helmsbeings on the Vanatu. Several key postings have redundancies to enable the ship to function in the event of any unfortunate happening.”

“Oh, that makes sense. So how good are you among the other helms… beings?”

He smiled but didn’t answer.

“Heh, I get it,” Gus said. He leaned in as close as was possible with that suit and whispered. “Mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why is everyone avoiding you?”

Art’ah looked blank for a minute before glancing around. While there were pockets of laughter and banter all around them, there was none around them. Granted, this might have been because of Gus’ presence, but according to Art’ah, the aliens were pretty hard up for novelty around here. He should have been swarmed with requests for information at the very least. Yet ever since he’d sat down with Art’ah he noticed the other aliens giving them a wide berth. There were even some hostile glances thrown not at him but at his companion. He’d been the recipient of enough bad attitude back on Earth that he knew what it looked like when someone was being ostracised by a group.

Art’ah smile turned sad. “They do not understand my species and what they do not understand, they despise. Not all of them act like that, but if enough beings do it, it tends to discourage the rest of them from speaking to me.”

“Why is that? Do you breathe acid or something?” Now Gus was really curious.

“No, it’s just that interaction with the Coxizu – that’s my species by the way – is frowned upon due to some of our practices.”

“What practices are those?”

Art’ah looked like he was bracing himself. “We are… very sexual beings. We are some of the few species that copulate not for reproduction but for pleasure.” He looked at Gus expectantly and waited.

Gus stared for a couple of seconds. “That’s it?” Art’ah blinked in surprise. “That’s all? That’s the big secret?” he asked again, clearly disappointed.

“You’re not… disgusted?”

Gus scoffed. “Man, you have no idea. Humans will fuck anything that moves. Why would I be disgusted?”

Art’ah looked floored. “I mean, ever since I stepped on this ship I’ve been thinking about boning non-stop. There are some seriously hot women on this ship, like the Captain.”

“I, ah, I am surprised at your broad-mindedness. I did not imagine I would encounter another species like mine.”

“No sweat. I imagine people are going to be fucking pissed at me pretty soon because I am a disgusting individual.” He grinned salaciously.

“Sweat? Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Art’ah asked curiously.

“No, it’s just a human expression. Hey by the way, I’m getting a bit confused by something. Are you a guy or a girl?” Professor Oak asked.

“The Coxizu are both. We are hermaphroditic to ensure that we are able to mate with any kind of species. We are very fertile and do not have a mating cycle. That means we can copulate at any time and in any place. We can also modify our own bodies to suit the tastes of our partners.”

“Wait, you’re both? And what’s that about changing your bodies?”

Art’ah gestured at himself (herself?). Gus looked more closely. Art’ah’s skin was a light blue and translucent, with some sort or fluid running beneath it. It kind of looked like a slime from some Japanese RPG. His body and face were disturbingly androgynous, probably due to the hermaphroditism. Gus was still looking when the fluid began to churn and Art’ah’s chest slowly began to swell. What was a flat plain slowly turned into a small hill, turned into a large hill, turned into a banging set of double dees. The uniform seemed to struggle to contain them, like the fabric could only stretch so far before it would tear and reveal those now delicious tits. His already feminine face softened further and turned into a definitely hot, womanly one. His hair turned into a deeper shade of blue and his eyes turned slightly green.

She gasped, trying to catch her breathe. This transformation was clearly physically demanding and Gus was grateful that she’d done so simply because he asked. “Are you ok? You look winded. Is it hard to change like that? Why did you choose that form?” Gus was burning with questions.

Art’ah sucked in a shuddering breath and settled down. “I’m fine, thank you for asking. It is hard but with skill it gets easier. I’m just getting readjusted to my new body. It will take me a few minutes. And I chose that form because you said you liked the Captain. To be honest, I too find her to be very attractive.”

“Heh, no complain from me there.” He paused, narrowing his eyes. “Earlier you said that your species can change form to please your partner right? And you changed because I asked right? Does that mean…?”

Art’ah suddenly looked bashful. “Yes, I do think you’re attractive. I’m sorry, I know it’s not appropriate but I can’t help myself. Besides the thought of meeting a new species has my blood running hot.” She fidgeted, her breasts jiggling deliciously.

Gus stared at her for a minute. Fuck it, let’s take a chance. He braced himself.

“Art’ah, I don’t mean to sound too forward, but do you want to have sex with me?”

He didn’t know if aliens could blush but he felt that she did. If anything, her fidgeting got worst. “I would definitely like that.”

‘Then let’s get out of here and go fuck,” Gus said, grabbing her hand and getting up.

The shock must have got to her because she let herself be pulled alongside him as he ambled his way out of the commons, leaving a trail of disturbingly judgemental aliens looking at them.

He was walking for a couple minutes before he turned to her.

“Uh… How do we get to your room?”

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